•*⁀➷ ꒰ sneaking out ꒱

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( ୨୧ ♥︎! JUNE  2ND, 2022 ୨୧ ♥︎! )

SOOYOUNG was bored out of her mind, sitting in her bed, casually flipping through the channels on her laptop. she had just finished wednesday and was left with nothing else to do, or another show to watch. she has no idea what to do. yunjin had another schedule, sakura and chaewon were with some members from iz*one and others were unavailable.

so, she sat in her bedroom, staring at the ceiling, counting sheep. it was 11:30 PM, and everyone she knew was busy. suddenly, she sprang from her bed and smiled in anticipation. not everyone she knew was busy, quickly, she leaned over her bed and grabbed her phone, calling one of her friends. lee chaeyoung from fromis_9.

"hello?" the other line answered as she picked up the phone, "why are you calling so late at night?"

sooyoung smiled, not caring if the older couldn't see it. "say, are you busy?"

"it's nearly midnight, of course i'm not busy," chaeyoung deadpanned.

"perfect! i'm not busy, and you're not busy. let's do something! and, we can invite some of our other friends!"

chaeyoung laughed, and sooyoung heard rustling from the other end. "breaking curfew, huh? that's my kind of gig," she joked. "i'm on my way, be at your dorm in a few. who you gonna invite?"

"just some friends, see ya!" sooyoung hung-up and dialed another number. though she called many numbers, not everyone was able to make it. chaeyoung, yeonjun, and san were the only people able to make it. within a couple of minutes, sooyoung heard some light knocking on her door. she let out an excited smile and approached her door, seeing chaeyoung on the other end, wearing the same mischievous smile.

"whatcha waiting for?" chaeyoung joked to which sooyoung laughed. she wrote down a note to inform her members that she had left to hangout with some friends.

"san and yeonjun will join us, but they'll meet us across the street," sooyoung informed as she stepped out of the dorm, shutting the door quietly behind her. the two girls walked out of the building, excited smiles on their faces.

it wasn't easy to miss the two boys that stood in the street waiting for the other duo. with their striking visuals and how much they stood out, sooyoung was able to identify them with a glance.

"hey!" she called out, attracting the attention of the two boys, who smiled brightly upon seeing sooyoung and chaeyoung.

"hi!" san greeted, hugging the two girls as well as yeonjun.

"so, now that we've gathered. what do you have in mind?" san asked, shoving his hands into his pocket.

"whatever you guys want to do," sooyoung shrugged and looked at her friends.

"late night ramen," yeonjun suggested, a hungry smile on his face. the posse squealed and nodded, excited for the idea. the four of them began walking alongside each other, random topics being brought up in the conversation.

sooyoung met chaeyoung a while ago, before they became label mates. but it wasn't until they were under the same company that they became friends. yeonjun and san were friends before meeting the other duo, things went their way and they had their own friend group. it isn't often they hangout, but when they do, it's fun or chill. no in between.

the streets of seoul was still busy, people bustling around the area, the lights flashing throughout the city. smoke came around the area, drunk and young couples holding hands, a bright smile on their face as they walked down the streets of seoul. sooyoung loved being here, it was somehow similar to
her home back in china. beautiful, bright, and comfortable.

after a while of chatting and walking to pick a low-key ramen store, they discovered a ramen shop in a bushy neighborhood where less people walked, the street lights were flickering and only the employees were inside. they decided that this was the perfect place to eat.

as they came inside, they were instantly met with the strong smell of different, flavorful ramen. sooyoung inhaled, smiling at the smell. she missed it.

"hello! welcome to our store, what can i get started for you?" an employee asked. sooyoung let out a wide smile and began ordering, after they all ordered what they wanted to eat, they rounded up around a table and began eating.

"guys guys," yeonjun spoke, "wanna do karaoke?"

sooyoung burst out a smirk, staring at the group of friends. "race yall there!" she shouted and began gobbling her food.

"nah, you know imma win this!" san began, he inhaled his food and threw it in the trash.

"fuck you, man!" chaeyoung shouted, chasing after san.

yeonjun and sooyoung were the last to finish, they threw their food in the trash and chased after the two others.

halting to a stop, sooyoung grabbed yeonjun's wrist and dragged him, "i know a shortcut!" she called out, breathlessly. yeonjun let out a shrieking sound and followed sooyoung into an alley.

the two of them raced to the karaoke place, pushing each other as they wanted to get first place. with one final push, yeonjun stepped into the shop, claiming first place.

"no fair, you pushed me!" complained sooyoung.

"there's no rules," yeonjun shrugged with a smirk.

the door chimed, greeting new costumers. san and chaeyoung stepped inside, confused to see yeonjun and sooyoung already there.

"what? what- how'd you get here before we did?" san asked.

"i know my shortcuts, san," sooyoung smirked, patting his back.

the four of them ordered a room, drinking all the alcohol there was, dancing and singing to songs. even to each others, sooyoung was challenged to dance to guerilla — which was extremely hard.

they spent hours dancing, drinking, singing, rapping. doing all sorts of things. finally, they decided to cut their night short. the four drunken friends stumbled their way to their companies.

"man, my company is so far from here," san complained, slurring his words.

yeonjun stumbled forward, "crash at my place," he hiccuped, "my boss won't mind."

chaeyoung and sooyoung shared a look.

the boss would definitely care.

but that was the last thing on their mind, the four of them stumbled to the company, sharing laughs and conversations.

"ahem," someone cleared their throat. the four friends shot their heads up to see their boss standing right here, his arms crossed, seeming slightly pissed off.


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