25. Tabloids: Manuel González is Innocent

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"I can't believe this," my father mumbles, his eyes not leaving the laptop's screen.

My mother is in shock, as well as, my siblings. Even Cassie and Ana could not believe that the video is live in front of them.

"The police need to see this as soon as possible," my mother points out.

"I will give it to the tabloids and post it on the internet. It is easier to spread the news that way. After that, I will send it to the officials," I explain. "I also made sure that Mia has so many copies in case something happens, but it will be out everywhere, so there will be no need for that."

My father stands up and walks my way. He hugs me and thanks me for finding the video. "Thank you, Rafa. I am so proud of you."

I smile and hug him back without saying anything. He knows how much his words mean to me, so there is no need.

"I will go take care of the video and will get back to you as soon as I am finished," I say, earning nods from everyone but Ana.

"I am coming with you," she says.

"You don't have to, mi amor," I reply.

"I insist," she replies.


For a year and a half now, I have lived my life running away and locked up. I knew that this life, being a mafia boss, would have consequences but I did not expect them to come from my best friend, my brother.

I hadn't seen my family for a year and I will never forgive Ricardo for that. I will kill him myself and it won't be an easy death for him. I will torture him until he begs me to spare his life. But I wouldn't. I wouldn't spare his life and then postpone his death as much as I could, making him wish I end it quickly.

During my time at prison, I had dreamed of reuniting with my family. I did not know what I did wrong to get such a punishment and betrayal from Ricardo, but I knew later after searching through my mind in the lonely days that Ricardo liked my wife, Victoria. At first, I didn't question his intentions towards my wife whenever we got together for movie nights with our other friends. When he got to the point of being clingy, I still didn't question it but I put some boundaries for him. But when I was arrested after he set me up, I became sure that he liked Victoria and wanted her for himself, and what better way than to have me out of the way?

The good thing is, my wife and son discovered that he was the one behind the attack because I left a riddle for Rafa to solve when he sent someone to visit me. He couldn't come himself and I understand why. The last thing we want is for anyone to know I am married and have kids because I don't want them to get linked to me whenever anything happens. I trained Alba and Rafael so well to know how to act in these situations.

When I reunited with Victoria and my kids again, I felt like my soul came back into my body. The void that once lived inside disintegrated and life came back better than before.

Now hearing that my life could be the same as before and even better, makes me feel so thankful and grateful. I never doubted my son and I knew that one day he will clear my name to live a normal life even though the mafia is not normal.

"Mi amor, are you okay?" my gorgeous wife asks as she circles her arms around my back, resting her face in the crook of my neck.

"I am now," I reply with a smile, turning around to face her. Her arms are now wrapped around my waist as mine are around hers.

I take her hand in mine and walk to the balcony in our bedroom which has two chairs and a table in the middle. I pull the chair out for her and then sit on the one placed across from hers.

"Is there something bothering you?" she asks with a worried look.

"No, my love, just wanted to talk about Rafael."

"What about him?"

"I wanted to ask you if he told you anything about being serious with Ana. It is not that I don't trust him, in fact, I trust him blindly, but Ana is so precious to me and I don't want her to get hurt. She deserves the world just like Rafa."

She smiles warmly at me and says, "He didn't tell me anything, but I know he is so serious about her. He cares for her a lot and she does too. They just got together, mi amor, so it is early to talk about serious stuff like marriage and such, but I know Rafael. He is ready whether he realizes it or not."

"You are right, it is still early. I just want them to be happy, you know?" I scratch the back of my neck nervously.

"I know, my love. I do too. How about you talk to him? I am sure he will appreciate you talking to him," she suggests, making my heart leap. I can't talk to him, could I? I would just get nervous and awkward about it. I was never someone who knew how to talk about his feelings with his children. I only do that with my wife because she is my soulmate. But still, my children are very important to me and I would do anything for them, even if I have to talk about emotions and feelings with my son.

"You are right, mi flor. I will try talking to him."

She smiles and takes my hand in hers above the table. "I know it is hard for you and well, awkward, but you can do it. Besides, I have had a lot of those with Alba and it wasn't fun at first, but trust me, it gets easier," she explains, making me chuckle.

"There is Alba too and that guy she is seeing. Did you manage to find out who?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at my precious wife.

"That's classified, but rest assured, he is clean."

"Is he nice to her?" I ask.

"Till now, yes, but he is still under trial. Besides, I didn't like him at first and I still don't. But let us see, our daughter likes him very much and in the two times I have seen him, he seems like he does too."

"Good because if he hurts her, I will bury him alive," I threaten, pointing my hand to nowhere in particular.

"Oh, honey, I would burn him alive, don't you worry."


After a few hours of talking and flirting with one another, one of the maids brought us two newspapers and an iPad.

I was a little confused as to why she brought them, but after I glanced at the screen of the iPad, I understood.

Headlines: Manuel Santos is Innocent.
"A recent video surfaced of the allegedly Mafia Boss, Manuel Santos, the leader of De Santos Mafia, that shows the falsely accused being framed for a murder he did not commit. The video shows a masked man whose height and weight are different than the accused, while the accused stands in front of him as the man killed the nurse.

Police records show Manuel Santos' testimony claiming that "a masked man shot the nurse and pinned the blame on me." His testimony was not taken into consideration back then but after the video surfaced, the station of Vancouver puts out the statement that Manuel Santos is innocent and is granted his freedom. They will also compensate him for false imprisonment.

The department of justice is working hard to find the real criminal. In the meantime, the department sends its apologies to Manuel Santos and to the city that they have failed, letting a criminal roam free around the city and imprisoning an innocent man.

I look up at my wife's tearful eyes and smile weakly. "You are free, Manuel."

"I am, mi amor, I am free," I reply, a few tears betraying me and escaping my eyes.

She gets out of her seat and comes my way, sitting on my lap. She takes my face in her hands and smiles warmly. Her sparkly eyes awaken the butterflies resting in my stomach"I am so proud of you, Manuel. I can't believe that this nightmare is over."

"Me too, my love. I can't believe it," I reply, placing my hands around her neck, gently.

"I love you so much, Mannie."

"I love you too, my Vicky."

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