20. Almost Busted

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"We're here to speak with Lilia James." One of the officers says. We are sitting in the living room and there's no way any of the officers could see us.

Victoria stood up and walked to the door with confidence. There's no way the police could know that Victoria is Manuel's wife, or that she has kids.

"Yes?" We hear her ask as she stands in front of them.

"Ms. James, we are very sorry to disturb you at this time, but we have been requested to visit you and inform you that there are very high-profile criminals hiding in Burnaby. Just be careful and keep your doors closed."

"Thank you so much for informing me. I will be leaving the country soon, and I hope you catch them soon," Victoria replies with much emotion.

"Thank you, Ms."

With that, they left. Victoria comes back feeling relieved that we weren't caught.

"It's not long before they find you here. We need to move as soon as possible," Victoria says before gulping the glass of water in one go.

"Where do we fucking move?" Rafael asks.

No one comes up with any suggestions so I blurt out the riskiest option out there. "Mexico."

"Mexico?" Andrew asks in confusion.

"Why Mexico?" Manuel asks.

"I have a house there, bought it when I moved out from home," I explain.

"Why did you buy one?" Andrew's curious voice speaks.

I look nervously at everyone. "I wanted to escape there."

"It's too risky. The house is under your name." Rafael says.

"Not really. I bought it with a fake ID because I didn't want my father to find out. You could say I got it illegally."

"How did you manage that? Who helped you?" Andrew asks, looking confused as hell.

I huff before saying, "I have a friend, Mia Gonzalez. Her father is in the mafia. They helped me."

"Demetrio Gonzalez..." Manuel speaks up as he looks deep in thought.

"Yeah, you know him?" I ask.

"We used to be friends, but stopped when I moved here."

I nod. The atmosphere of the room shifts and a sudden tension envelops us. I didn't know that talking about them would get my uncle and the rest in such a mood.

"How do you even know these people?" Andrew asks as if he is scolding me and cares about my protection.

"Mia went to university with me. Besides, why do you care?"

"Of course, I care!" he exclaims, making my anger flare up.

"You don't get to say that now! If you really cared, you wouldn't have left! You're such a hypocrite."

Pain washes over his features, making me feel instantly bad. I don't like to make anyone feel sad because of me, but I just couldn't hold it back. I tried to act nice and forgive him, but it was just not that easy. Forgiveness is crucial in every relationship, but what he did is too much for me to handle. I have waited for him...for so many days, months, and years. He never came. He only came on holiday's, but I was too hurt to see him. It was as if he came out of petty.

I ran out of the living room and went to my bedroom. I happen to do that whenever Andrew is involved in any argument. He's just making me so mad and I don't know what to do with him anymore.

* * * 


"I don't know what to do anymore. I have tried everything," I say as I look at my hands, too embarrassed to look at anyone's face.

Silence fills the living room as no one speaks up. I know that they don't know what to say as well, but I would appreciate it if someone said anything, even if it's to scold me. This family means everything to me. I never thought that one day I'd say this, but it means more to me than my real family. They took me in despite everything. Despite who my father is.

"I am sure she'll come around, honey. Just give her time," Victoria says gently. "One time Rafa stopped talking to me because I practically forced him to meet this girl, who later on became obsessed with him that she followed him everywhere. He didn't talk to me for a whole month. It was torture."

"That's different. I abandoned my sister...for years. I didn't even call her. I was her hero and I dumped her like she was nothing."

"But you did that for a reason, no?" Manuel points out.

"Si, I wanted to protect her. But now I realized that I protected her from the wrong people as the person who hurt her was living with her all this time."

"What's done is done, man. Don't revisit the past. Focus on how you'll make her forgive you," Rafael says, tapping my shoulder.

"You know what hurts, Rafa? Is that I knew what kind of a father mine was, yet I left her," I reply, shaking my head. "She'll never forgive me."

"I don't want to speak instead of her, but I am sure she will forgive you. She loves you so much, that's why she is hurt. She didn't expect you to do that because she trusted you. But she will understand that you did that to protect her from bad people."

"But here she is, Rafa...in the place that I wanted to protect her from, just like she said."

Rafael gives me a side hug as Victoria joins. Manuel sat there awkwardly because everyone knew he doesn't hug.

He only hugs his wife.

The front door opens and Alba walks in.

"What's going on? Why the atmosphere here sucks?" She asks, crossing her eyebrows.

"A lot has happened since you left. Pack your bags, we're moving," Manuel tells his daughter.

"Moving?!" Alba shrieks. "Where?"


Before she could say anything, Cash and Alex kick the door open and walk in.

"I can't move! All my friends are here...hell, my boyfriend is here!"

"Boyfriend?!" Rafa, Manuel, Cash, and I shriek.

"I-I mean...a guy friend."

"Who is here?" Cash suddenly questions, making us all confused. But I immediately knew that he has a thing for her because his fiery eyes cannot be mistaken for anything else.

"What is it to you!" she claps back, glaring at him.

"Alba!" Rafael's voice booms through the living room. "Who the fuck is this guy? What's his name?"

"Daddy, tell them!" Alba runs to her father and hugs him.

"Boys! It is none of your business! I will deal with it! Now pack your bags!" Manuel exclaims, making Alba smirk in victory. 

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