The Greatest Sculpture

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The Greatest Sculpture
by warriorMulan16

You are the greatest artist

who molded us to have a better future that awaits.

From a blank slate,you made a masterpiece.

We started from nothing,

but you made a lot of effort and did many things to make us amazing.

You serve as our light in the middle of this darkness.

Pave the way to the path which is brightest

and that will lead us to our success.

Isn't always finding the value of x,

nor memorizing terms and concepts.

You also remind us that we value ourselves.

Search for our goals and objectives.

For me, you are everything.

A parent, a mentor, and even a friend.

Who will always be there to make us safe.

Secure our future and keep us motivated.

You will hold our hands to guide us in the right direction. 

Teach us what is right from wrong.

You will continue to remind us to be strong and not be afraid to fall.

Co'z every mistake there is a lesson.

Thank you for staying right by our side. 

Thank you for the words of wisdom you always impart.

You will always have a place in my heart.

Even if someday we remain apart, memories will remain,

and I will treasure them with all of my heart.

I'm extending my greatest gratitude.

To my educator, and the best motivator.

Happy Teacher's Day.

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