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Word Count: 1786


Kicking my feet up, I lean back, flipping the page of my book.

"You're strong enough now," I hear Hale say. I let my book fall onto my lap. It's been a couple days since we last talked about how my wound is healing. Admittedly, I'm feeling much better.

I grin. "Good, let's have sex then."

"Woah," he laughs, leaning forward to rest his forearms on his knees. "We need to be thinking about what is going to happen once you step back into that pool."

I sigh, knowing this conversation was coming.

It's not like we can avoid it for much longer. Keo is lurking, waiting for my twelve days to be up before he can come and collect me for Relm. I need to make the transition to Immortal again.

"You'll have to kill me," I tell him. I'm not sure I could do it myself. I died once, I'm not looking forward to doing it again.

Hale frowns. He doesn't want this to happen, but what other choice do we have?

"You will be sent back to Death's Realm. I know you are familiar with the procedure, so just go through with it all until I can come and get you," he explains, standing.

He holds his hand out to me, and I swallow tightly. "Is it going to be difficult to get me back?"

Death's realm wasn't exactly pleasant. My entire life was looked back on, and it was decided how many years I would live there before I would come to the Immortal realm. From there, I just worked and let the time pass until I was free again.

Just thinking about having to go back there....

"Death and I have a strained relationship. But I will make it work," Hale mutters, leading me from book room.

"What if you can't?"

He stops, clutching my hands tightly, forcing me to look into his eyes. "Trust me, Vaela. Nothing will come between us being together."

I believe him. I believe that he will do everything in his power to make sure I'm not in that realm for very long. And that trust that he cares about me is all I need to get through this.

"I'm frightened of going back. There are people there, still serving sentences that I hope to never see again," I tell him. Trace isn't the only terrible person who my path has crossed with.

"Keep to yourself. I will send a sign when I'm there," Hale assures me.

It's written all over his face, how worried he is, he just doesn't want me to know it. With death, there is always a chance something could go wrong.

I collapse into his arms. "I don't want to be away from you for a moment."

"It will be hard, but once I get you back as immortal again, you will be mine forever, and I will be yours," he breathes into my hair, wrapping his arms around me. I could stay here forever, nestled against his chest, feeling his warmth, breathing in his scent.

Knowing my emotions are going to collapse in on me, I pull away, forcing a smile onto my face.

"Back to the sex part."

Hale laughs breathily. "You are insatiable."

"I'm better now, I can take whatever you give me," I insist, pulling on his arms. Thinking about sex means I'm not thinking about what is going to happen to me very soon. And it's easy to consider, since it's most of what I think about when I'm around my mate.

Hale holds my face in his hands, eyebrows raised. "But what I want to give you requires you to be immortal."


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