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Consciousness, for once, greets me sweetly.

Blinking blearily, I look up into large brown eyes staring down at me. "Eyla..."

"Good, you're awake. I was starting to worry." She rests her hand against her chest, like she had been literally sitting over me monitoring my every breath, which I wouldn't put past her.

I sit up, letting her adjust my pillows behind me. "Where's Hale?"

"Him and Will are out there somewhere, ignoring each other," Eyla motions toward the door.

Looking around, I remember I'm in Hale's cave, and all of that wasn't just a strange dream. Relief crushes me.

This is where I'm meant to be.

"I can't believe Will came." I run my hands down my face. The pain has diminished to a quiet ebb, although my limbs still tremble, weakened by the shock.

"Forget him and how he is still painfully in love with you," Eyla jokes, making me grimace.

Hale is likely out there, tormenting Will in that subtle way he does, making my past boyfriend feel completely powerless in his presence.

It sates some bitter part buried within me that harbours resentment toward Will for how he once treated me.

Eyla flops down on the bed beside me, dark hair splaying out over the white pillows. "How are you feeling?"

"Better, actually. Weak, but better." I run my hands down my arms, still haunted by the cold. Reality is, I'm still mortal, which is a fate I can't escape so easily.

"That's so strange. I wonder what happened," Eyla muses.

I hum in agreement, curious also.

Eyla suddenly sits up, bracing herself on her elbows as she looks down at me. "You don't think..."

"Shh, I don't even want to put that in my mind." Stuffing my hands over my face, I will that thought away. Me spontaneously getting better can't possibly have anything to do with being reunited with Hale. Right?

"Seriously though, what if you're connected to him."

"If I am, it's only because he's a Pureblood, and probably in control of that magic," I mutter tiredly. Any other explanation is far too frightening to bear thinking about. Me having any connection to Hale has dark connotations.

Eyla shrugs, although I catch the gleam in her eyes. "Maybe..."

"Eyla," I reprimand, jabbing her ribs with my elbow.

"What? I didn't say anything." She bites down on her lower lip, unable to smother her knowing grin.

The door opens, casting my attention away from my friend and to Hale, who wanders in.

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