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Word Count: 2046


Eyla comes to stand over me, grabbing my book from my hands.

"Hey!" I protest.

"We are going out somewhere today," she announces.

She looks over her shoulder at Hale, who is busy adjusting a newly acquired painting on the far wall of the foyer. She expects him to refuse, but he remains distracted.

I blink. "We are?"

"Yes Vae." She dumps the closed book onto the table beside me. My nose scrunches up irritably at my lost page.

"It's been two weeks, and you're still mourning," she exclaims, propping her hands on her hips.

"You are too," I retort.

A lump immediately gathers in my throat. I've spent far too many nights buried under my pillow, sheets wound around my limbs as I cry in a vicious, soul-wrenching manner.

Eyla is more of a bury it deep kind of mourner. Instead of acknowledging that finding my dead ex in such a state has traumatised her, she remains unshaken and adamant. I'm patiently waiting for it to catch up with her again, so I can be right there for it.

"I know, which is why we all need to get out of this cave and get some fresh air," she announces.

Finally, she has gotten Hale's attention. He turns, a soft frown creasing between his brows as he approaches us.

"What about the risk to Vaela?" He questions.

Eyla rolls her eyes. "You'll be there too, idiot."

"And this isn't about finding me a mate, is it?" Not that I would be opposed, I've just been distracted from this matter since Will's death.

"No, but we do need to be doing more than that," Eyla notes. "I can scout some people for you and Hale can bring them up here."

I glance at Hale. "I'm fine with that, I suppose."

"If it has to be done..." he mutters.

"Excellent. But for now, where shall we go?" Eyla asks. Of course she proposed the idea and has laid no ground work for it. She's lucky Hale has the powers he does.

I turn to him. "Any ideas?"

"I might know a place you two would like."

I hope it's a place with lots of sun and absolutely no snow. I've had enough of blizzards and iciness, and being holed up with a Pureblood because of it.

"It's not another dark, creepy place with no people, is it?" I ask.

He gives a half shrug. "There won't be people, but it won't be dark and creepy."

"I like the sound of that." Anything but here. And right now, some time with just Eyla and I would be nice too, even with Hale lingering near. These past two weeks have been a mix of mourning and avoiding Hale.

As good as it felt, that night, pressed against the counter with Hale behind me, repeating it may not be a good idea.

He steps forward, holding both his hands out toward Eyla and I. "Shall we?"

Glancing at Eyla, we both grab his hand at the same time, no hesitation.

The world falls away, and a sense of joy seizes me. Freedom, just for a moment, grasps me, as my feet touch soft ground, and my eyes open.

"Woods? Seriously Hale?" Eyla grumbles.

Blinking, I look through the dappled light, examining the forest. It's beautiful, so different to where I've spent much of my time. And most importantly, the air is balmy, not glacial.

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