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Word Count: 2236


I've forgotten what freedom feels like.

Now that I'm amidst it, I'm sitting like a fool, staring into a swarm of people. Some dance, others just drink and mingle. Not long ago I would be immersed in the throngs, but now, I watch on warily, painfully aware of my own mortality.

Nudging Eyla, I point to a particularly adequate looking man. "I like the look of him."

Truthfully, I'm suddenly hyper aware of how mundane normal Immortals look. Seeing Hale everyday has poisoned my sense of normality, and now I'm concerned I'm going to struggle to integrate back into society once this is over.

When I touch my mate for the first time, he will become the most attractive man I've ever seen, Pureblood or not.

Eyla slides a glass across the surface of the bar, careful not to spill the liquid inside. "Maybe bring him a drink and brush hands."

"That's a good idea."

I reach for it, but Hale grabs my wrist, shaking his head. Steadying my breathing, I tug my hand away, rubbing where his leather glove touched my skin.

"Or you could just walk up to them and touch them." His smile is stiff, as he casts his gaze back over the crowd, monitoring as they do him.

I shouldn't have let him come. Gaze's have been pinned to the pureblood since his arrival, most regarding him unsurely, other's gaping with disbelief. He's only limited my chances of finding my mate here.

"I don't want to come off weird," I breathe.

He glances back at me. "You won't. You're beautiful, I'm sure they won't mind."

"Hale...Was that a compliment?" Eyla grins, leaning over the bar. He doesn't look at her, although the edge of his lips tilt up ever-so-slightly.

"You aren't going to accomplish anything sitting here, Vaela. Get in there." He nods into the crowd. He's going to be watching my every move, which only adds more pressure atop what is currently weighing upon me.

Clasping the glass, I stand, approaching the swarm of people, targeting one man in particular.

He watches me approach him, a smirk playing on his lips, dark eyes roving over me shamelessly. Mate or not, I'm eager to talk to someone that isn't Eyla, Will or Hale.

"Hello. Why am I getting the sense there's something off about you?" He grins in a boyish, lazy way. I thought he was my type, with his dark hair and eyes, and now I realise that whoever I thought I would be interested in can hardly compare to a Pureblood.

"You've been drinking," I dismiss jokingly, although it just comes out breathy and awkward.

Most here can tell I'm mortal just from looking at me, but most are too drunk to notice.

"Maybe. I like your dress." He grins over the rim of the glass I thrust at him, his gaze tracing over the curves of my body.

I glance down, pressing my hands against the fabric of the dress Eyla loaned me. Even before becoming mortal, I didn't own much that was flattering.

"Thank you. I like your...eyes," I comment stiffly. His eyes are pretty, dark and expressive.

He jerks his chin toward Hale. "Why are you spending time with an Immortal Sin?"

Great, I figured that would be the focal point of any of my conversations. "Long story."

"Is he your boyfriend?" The man almost looks a little frightened. Were I truly committed to a Sin, he would have a lot to worry about.

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