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jared was in all my classes, and me slapping him in the face the other day didn't make him back off the slightest. he just tried harder. i was getting so uncomfortable he would sit next to me everything class. javon doesn't care. i wish he did, i want cry so much. "hey baby," jared said walking into the class behind javon.

"stop jared, please." i said, my voice was breaking. i was on the verge of tears. i looked down so know one would see. i didnt know what to do, he just kept saying things. my breathing got heavy, my ears were ringing, i felt like my world was just moving slow, i looked around. i faintly heard "are you okay?" from someone. i felt someone grab me and walk me out the door. they helped me sit down on the ground in the hallway. i couldn't make out who it was. everything finally stopped. i could faintly see who it was.

"wanna..?"i said. "what happened?" he asked me. "jared, he kept asking and calling me things again.. he sat next to me every class and has been doing this all day. it gave me flashbacks to a-alex." i managed to spit out. his face dropped. "i-i i'm so sorry." he said. "maybe if you cared a little more it wouldn't have happened, i said getting up and walking back into the class room.

"hey baby, you okay?" jared said to me as i walked in "get the fuck away from me jared, for the last time i don't fucking like you and i never will your just an asshole." i said. he looked hella embarrassed. he deserved it. this was so embarrassing, what the fuck is wrong with me. i just wanted to leave, i never wanna go to school again.

if i could i would get up and leave right now. the bell was gonna ring any minute. as soon as it ran and walked to my locker so fast, avoiding any interaction with anyone. i walked out the door. i had to walk home today, so i made sure i left so fast. i heard
someone behind, i got paranoid. "baby," i heard faintly. i turned around. "oh, hi." i said as my eyes met javons. he walked me home, we talked about everything. he was kind of hostile towards me, if i'm being completely honest i just wanted to cry.

i got home, he walked right past me. he didn't say bye love you or anything. i got up to my room changed, put my phone on silent and took a nap, i woke up 6 hours later. it was around 8:40 jayla texted me and jaden did too, but no javon. i told them what happened. but i just went back to sleep. i decided not to go to school because of jared.

i slept all day, school ended. jaden javon and jayla came over they came upstairs and i woke up to them coming up the stairs. i opened my eyes ones they walked in. "hi," i said in my sleepy voice. "hi beautiful," javon said as if we've been alright. "hi handsome," i said. he blushed. "ew," jaden said. "we should go watch a movie in the living room." jaden said. "okay." i said.

we started the movie. javon and i were cuddling together. half way into the movie i fell asleep. i remember waking up for a minute when javon carried me up the stairs. "goodnight my beautiful girl, i love you." javon said kissing my forehead. "goodnight handsome i love you too." i said before he left. and i fell asleep once again.

it was saturday i woke up at around 10 to a text from jayla asking if i wanted to hang out, i said not right now cause i'm really tired. i went back to sleep and woke up again around 1. i went to the bathroom, then got in bed and fell asleep again. i was so exhausted, i just felt so tired. i woke up to mom telling me dinner was done, i just told her i wasn't hungry. jayla and javon came over, i heard them talking to mom and dad. they left.

Mention of SA!!!!

mom and dad came up the stairs and into my room. "hey baby we wanna talk to you," mom said. i sat up listening. "we are very concerned for you, and so are jaden javon and jayla. they came over here and talked to us.. you've been sleeping a lot, and in bed a lot. you've had zero energy to do anything.. we just wanted to know if you were okay." mom said. "actually mom something happened.." i said. "hun you can tell us anything." dad said.

"so you guys remember henry?" i asked. they nodded.. "he did things to me.." i said.. "um, this guy. his name is jared, he's been acting very weird and stuff. calling me baby, and stuff. He touched my ass, and just touched me and was really weird. i've been trying to forget about it, but yesterday he just kept doing things in class. i had a flashback, to henry.. the only person i told was javon. i don't know, maybe i'm just upset. i feel fine, maybe i'm not tho.. i don't know. i just i wanted to forget about it." i said.

"can u guys please go.. talking about this really makes me hate myself and uncomfortable.. i'm really tired." i said. "how are you tired baby.. you've been sleeping all day." mom said. "can you ask javon to come over.. please i really need him right now."  i said. "yes baby," mom said. it was about 10 minutes. "hi beautiful.." javon said. "hi.." i said, i told him to come over, and he laid next to me. he wrapped his arms around me.

"jared, he um slapped my ass the other day.. i didnt know what to do javon. i just panicked, i slapped him in the face thinking he would leave me alone but he didn't, he just kept pushing." i started crying. "hey hey hey, it's okay baby i'm right here. but i'm seriously gonna fuck him up." javon said.

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