Lost, Part 1

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Hey! Thank you all for your patience, here is the new chapter!

P.S. If something is in bold in this chapter, but not italicized, it means multiple ponies are speaking. 

Twighlight's POV

"What does it say, Twighlight?" 

Spike, the baby dragon I hatched with magic upon my entrance to Princess Celestia's school of magic, asks me curiously as I open the scroll the princess sent me. 

Just a few days ago, I received amazing news from Princess Celestia. Her and Princess Luna had found a young alicorn in the Everfree Forest, but that wasn't even the most incredible part. The young alicorn was a boy! 

There has never before been a male alicorn in Equestria; to know one exists is truly a miracle, one to be treasured. The princesses knew this of course, and the young prince was quickly brought back to Canterlot. Princess Celestia told me that the prince was sick when they found him, but after he recovered, everyone was quick to hold the coronation ceremony for him. The whole of Equestria quickly found out about the crown prince, I doubt there's anyone who doesn't know of him now, especially after the coronation. 

The prince, more than anyone, needs to be protected. The girls and I were all especially excited to meet the prince, but it's understandable that everyone in Canterlot castle would want to keep him inside, where they know he'll be safe. We heard that the prince was living completely alone in the Everfree Forest, a terribly scary place to be. He's so young and has already been through so much. I know for sure, though, that once the prince is allowed to come and visit Ponyville, everyone here will take good care of him! We all know how special he is, so I made sure to tell the princess that we would all do our absolute best to keep the prince safe and happy when he comes to visit.  

Nearly everyone in Ponyville has already started to prepare for Prince Spirit's visit. The mayor is preparing a beautiful mansion for him to stay in, and me and the girls are doing everything to make sure his stay is comfortable. Applejack is having cider prepared, Pinkie Pie is getting a party plan set up, Fluttershy is having the birds practice a new song, Rainbow Dash is preparing a flying course to help Prince Spirit learn to fly, and Rarity is creating a whole new royal wardrobe for him. 

Heck, Spike is even shaping one of his gems to give to the prince!

I'm in charge of making sure everything is organized for when he comes to visit, and Princess Celestia is keeping me updated on Spirit's progress in acclimating to palace life before introducing him to other parts of the land he will one day rule. 

This scroll is probably another update on how Prince Spirit is doing. 


At least, that's what I thought. 

"Oh no!" I gasp, and Spike comes up to my side, concerned. 

"W-what's wrong, Twighlight?"

"It's Prince Spirit," I stare down at the scroll anxiously, before looking up to meet Spike's gaze. 

"He's missing!"


Several hours earlier, before dawn...

Spirit's POV

"Phew," I pant, out of breath after traveling so far. 

I actually did it. I actually made it out of the castle. 

How, you might ask? Well, that's simple. 

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