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Hey everyone! So this is the first chapter of this fanfic. Just want to let everyone know that there is boyxboy, but everything is vanilla. Just simple, adorable romance. The OC is also young, so everything is going to be pretty innocent. 

One more thing, the OC is still pretty naive and childish, despite being a teenager in his past life, so he has a bit of an immature and slightly petulant attitude when it comes to being treated like a child. Don't worry, it'll be cute;) 

Enjoy the chapter!

OC's POV(name discovered soon)

I sigh as I sit on my perch in the Everfree Forest, watching the sun rise. Ever since being reborn in My Little Pony, I have been living in a cave that opens up to a high rock overlooking the whole forest, and a little bit of Ponyville. 

I was very distraught when I first woke up here; I mean, I used to be human, and now I am a pony. And not just any pony either, no, I am a born alicorn. A MALE alicorn. I remember watching My Little Pony in my last life, and there was never any mention of a male alicorn, especially one that didn't have to earn their wings, meaning I'm the only one. I'm also young, older than the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but younger than the mane six. 

I know that if I were to be found, I would be taken in by the princesses. But honestly, that's not what I want. If they were to find me, I would become the only prince of Equestria, and I would be pampered and protected like a baby, especially by the princesses. In years, I am around 12 or 13, but that is still very young compared to Celestia and Luna, as they've been alive for eons. They would treat me like I'm helpless! I also know for a fact that a male alicorn is rare and special, and they would be way too overprotective. That's why I stay in the Everfree forest, in a cave on a tall hill far away from anything happening in the town or forest below. This way I can stay undiscovered; I don't need any overprotective princesses or guards, I can take care of myself! I'm an alicorn after all! I have really cool wings and powerful magic, I don't need anybody else! 

I've been practicing with my new wings and horn since I first woke up in this world. When I opened my eyes for the first time, I was just a little foal, and there were no other ponies around me. I don't know who my parents were, but when I woke up I was alone except for some forest animals. I didn't have to worry though, all the animals I encountered took good care of me: they brought me food, played with me, and basically raised me. Even the big bears liked me! I had them to protect and watch over me, so I could focus on developing my skills. At first, I could only create a few sparks out of my horn, but after some practice, I could already lift pretty big rocks and teleport small distances all on my own! I haven't had any magic books to learn from, so I have to figure things out myself, but because of that I am quite proficient in using my horn now! 

Although...I have some trouble flying. I've never had any pony to practice with, as I've only been living with the forest animals all this time, and I can really only lift off the ground and glide for a while before I have to land. I just don't know how I should position my wings and I don't know the right maneuvers to fly comfortably through the air. It makes me feel really ashamed because I have such pretty wings, but I don't know how to use them properly. 

I think I'm actually a nice looking pony; I have midnight black fur that's soft to the touch, and a silky silver mane. My horn and wings give me an elegant, princely look, much to my chagrin. I don't WANT to be princely. I want to be ruggedly handsome. Hmph. 

Although, I am very happy with my cutie mark. It's a yin yang symbol with two wolves chasing the sun and moon, respectively. I got it when I came across a large plot of dead land and dying animals. I acted on instinct and touched my horn to the ground, and suddenly, the land was lush and green again, and in a burst of light my cutie mark appeared. I figured out pretty quickly it means balance; my magic is powerful enough to raise the sun and moon, and if that doesn't spell it out, my birth name does. This is the name I have had since I was reborn in this world. 

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