The Alicorn Prince

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Hey everyone! So, turns out, I was saying filly to describe our OC all this time, when that is actually used for female horses. Oops😅, thank you to PeterParker318 for pointing this out to me. They also gave me a really good idea for a future chapter that I plan to incorporate, so thank you for that as well! And without further ado, here is the new chapter!

Spirit's POV

I was sleeping peacefully before the rays of the morning sun so rudely woke me up. Whining slightly, I tuck my head into my wing, and burrow into the warmth I find next to me. I hear a feminine chuckle of amusement, and freeze. 

Slowly, why is it so hard to move? I open my eyes and take in my surroundings. I am in a lavish room, with grand doors and stained glass windows. Currently, I am resting on lush, and incredibly cushy pillows, and snuggled up to the one and only Princess Luna. 



Seeing the princess of the night smiling fondly down at me, I do my best to scoot away, dimly realizing how weak I feel. 

"What's going on? Where am I?!" I try to sound strong, but my voice barely comes out above a whisper. With embarrassingly little effort, Princess Luna tucks me back into her side with her wing, and rubs her nose to my head in an obvious effort to calm me. Now I'm irked; I do NOT need calming! Trying to show my frustration, I begin to wiggle and huff annoyedly. Unfortunately, this just ends up ruffling my fur, making it fluff up and making the Princess giggle. No, damn it, don't giggle at my escape attempts! 

Then, she does something that absolutely mortifies me, she begins grooming me! With her tongue! Eww! This is so gross, not to mention embarrassing! But for some reason, I feel like I'm out of energy, so all I can do is squirm weakly in protest at her ministrations. 

It becomes quiet, the only sound the Princesses tongue smoothing my fur, and I don't even have enough energy to squirm anymore. "I don't feel good," I whimper. I don't like feeling like this, exhausted and sick. The pony beside me stops her grooming, and nudges my face in sympathy. "I'm sure," she says quietly, "when we found you, you were unconscious beside a poisonous plant. My sister, the royal procession and I brought you back to Canterlot castle, where our doctors cured you. However, you will be feeling weak for the next few days, so you won't be doing anything strenuous until you're completely better."

Oh, so that plant was poisonous. That makes sense. But then, how did the royal procession find me? How did they even find out I exist? Before I can voice those questions, someone answers them for me. 

"Luna used a special spell to find you. She found your dream door when she was watching over the night upon her return, and once we found out about your existence, the spell she used led us to you. But don't worry about that now. Once you're feeling better, we'll get you all settled in to the castle, and announce your existence to all of Equestria." Princess Celestia had entered the room without my notice, and was now sitting on my other side, officially sandwiching me in between the two princesses. She then continues to speak. 

"We are all very excited to have you here. And do not fear, you have no need to go back to the Everfree forest again. You won't be alone anymore, young one. We will keep you safe."

No, this is exactly what I had been trying to avoid! I don't want to be here! I don't want to be coddled by two pony pansies! I don't want to be "kept safe." I can't believe this! I want to get out of this cuddle session, and tell the crazy ponies to leave me alone. Unfortunately for me, my frail body is still recovering, and I can feel my eyes beginning to droop. 

The Princesses smile softly at me, and as I feel myself sinking into sleep, Princess Celestia speaks to me. "Rest now, little one. We will take care of you."

Princess Celestia's POV

Luna and I smile fondly as the little colt falls back asleep. The poor thing could barely keep his eyes open. I'll have to make sure he takes it easy until he recovers fully. Once he does, we can get him settled into his new room, and get him adjusted to the castle and his new life as a prince. Luna and I didn't want him to be alone in the room we prepared for him, so we are currently resting in my quarters. 

Hearing the doors to the room open, I turn my head to see the captain of the royal guards standing there. 

He dutifully salutes us. "Princesses. The castle is officially informed of the new prince. How is his highness fairing?"

I nod, acknowledging his report, and answer. "He is recovering. He should be completely healed within a couple days. Thank you for your concern, Captain."

The captain simply nods with a small smile at the sleeping prince. "The young prince is a gift, someone Equestria is meant to treasure. Everyone in the castle is worried about him, and hope for his swift recovery."

Seeing the soft way the Captain looks at our little prince, gives me an idea.

"Captain, I was planning on creating a team of guards specifically assigned to protect the prince. I would like you to lead this team. Should you accept, your duty would be to serve the prince as his loyal protector, friend, and mentor. The princes safety, and happiness, would be entrusted to you. Do you accept this role, Captain?"

Throughout my speech, the Captains eyes had widened considerably. My sister, at first, looked doubtful at the proposal. However, after meeting my eyes, and the eyes of the Captain, her gaze warms, and she snuggles back up to our little prince in acceptance. 

The Captain bows. "It would be my honor to serve the prince in this way. Thank you for the opportunity, your highnesses. I shall protect his highness with all my being." 

Once the Captain leaves the room, I settle back down beside my sister, and our new little brother. After a few moments of silence, Luna speaks up. 

"I know when he wakes up, we shall reveal his existence to Equestria, but when do you plan on telling Twighlight and her friends?"

"Soon," I tell Luna with a smile. Nuzzling my head into the colts fur, I murmur, "maybe he would like to visit Ponyville to make friends. The poor thing's been alone far too long." To this, Luna nods sadly, and we both curl around the little colt, drifting off alongside our new baby brother. The sun, the moon, and the spirit of balance and harmony, all together, finally. 

-End of Chapter-


Luna looks up to me in alarm. "Celestia!" Startled, I look up at my sister's distressed face. "We don't even know our little brother's name!" She cried. My eyes widen. 

"Oh dear."

Hey! Sorry about the wait for this chapter, hope it was worth it! I'm honestly surprised by how popular this fanfic got so quickly, but I'm happy you all enjoy it! Below is a picture of the current Captain of the royal guards, it is NOT shining armor, and further information about him will be given in the future. He is another OC character. The image below is NOT mine, but the future character name and personality is. See you all soon! 

Warm regards, 



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