Chapter 28 - Hide And Seek

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Dedicated to @Starfall101 for the awesome feedback and endless votes. Thank you so much, I hope you enjoy this chapter, sweetie!


Chapter 28 - Hide And Seek

Scarlett's POV

It had been two weeks since I left New York and almost ten days since I'd left my motel room.

I dragged myself out of bed and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

My eyes had sunken into my face, my hair resembled roadkill, my lips were cracked and I had already lost a considerable amount of weight.

How much longer was I going to subject myself to this?

I slowly sat back down on the bed and pulled out my laptop from beneath the drawer beside me. My fingers hovered above the keys as I forced myself to ignore the urge.

I couldn't do it.

I had to make sure he was all right.

Sighing, I quickly typed in 'Jasper Queen', my heart beat racing as I hoped he wasn't hurt.

I clicked on the first link which took me to an article written two days ago.

'Jasper Queen: Out For Hell!'

Frowning, I scrolled down to see a photograph of Jasper, his face hard and cold. The bags around his eyes were more prominent and it seemed he too, had lost a lot of weight.

'He's rich, he's famous and apparently courting Lady Charlotte of Genova, amidst talks of a nearing engagement - so why does New York's billion-dollar playboy look so miserable? Last seen three days ago clutching several files and folders as he made his way into the office of P.I. Jack Bateman, there was certainly no messing with the brooding Jasper Queen.'

My heart skipped a beat as I reread the paragraph again, unable to finish the whole article.

Why was Jasper at a Private Investigator's office?

Why couldn't he have just listened to me?

God, how I so desperately wished to be back by his side and console him.

But that could never happen while this unknown 'Boss' still had me in this inescapable grasp.

I snapped my laptop shut, deciding I had had enough of moping around as I stepped into the shower, allowing the water to wash the pain, fear and sadness away, even if it was just temporarily.

An hour later, I was dressed in a pair of simple black trousers and a cashmere sweater, scraping my thinning hair into a high pony tail before stepping into my ballerina flats. I sighed, calculating how much longer the money I had left was going to last me before I was practically penniless, which wasn't going to be long now.

I swung my bag across my shoulder and locked up the door to the crappy hotel room, placing the key back into my pocket before finding myself walking aimlessly around the streets.

"Hey, sweetheart, fancy seeing you here."

I froze before slowly turning around to see a very amused looking Marcus.

"Surprised?" He asked, using his cold finger to snap my open jaw shut.

"W-what are you doing here?" I stuttered, backing away from him slowly.

"There's no point trying to run, babe. Look at all these people; see how their eyes are trained on everything else but on us?" He gestured at all the passers-by as I looked around at them. "Well, you see, they know who I am and what I do so they couldn't give a flying fück about what happens to you if they know I have anything to do with it, so, carry on running, let me how it works out for you." He smirked wildly as I tried to bring my heart beat down to its normal pace.

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