Chapter 5 - Aftermath

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Chapter 5 - Aftermath

"I can't actually believe he fired Samuel." Melissa tutted in disbelief referring to my asshøle of a boss as she parked up outside my place.

"Wait, how do you even know Samuel?" I asked her, given she didn't actually work for Jasper.

She worked for a property development company, sometimes working on projects for my boss.

"He went out with Jade's sister once, apparently he was absolute trash in bed."

"That is so... informative to know," I frowned as she sighed.

"I don't know how you do it, Scarlett. I mean, he is incredibly sexy but the constant mood-swings? I'd rather be well away from the fine specimen that he is."

"Thanks for that Melissa, no, really, I appreciate it," I rolled my eyes as she laughed.

"I'm sorry, but it really is hilarious how he crawls under your skin!"

"Be quiet. Do you want to come in for a while?" I asked.

"I can't today, it's Blake's birthday and I've got a special little something planned for him," she winked as I cringed.

"Right. That's my cue to leave then. I'll see you tomorrow, Melissa."

" Bye!" She grinned as I exited her car and walked into my apartment.

My apartment was a fairly nice one, if I may say so myself - state-of-the-art design, spacious and classy, I'd finally managed to make it a home. I had bought the place with the first few pay-checks I'd received while working for Jasper.

To be fair, I wasn't even sure how I'd landed myself the job in the first place. I used to walk past and admire his office company everyday when one day, Melissa told me there was a job running as secretary to the hotshot boss whose face was on every business magazine around the world, so, naturally, I took a gamble and was hired.

I still think there were other forces at work that had helped me land the job, but either way, it was a miracle.

The pay was great and the boss... Well he wasn't exactly hard on the eyes.

Sighing, I banished all thoughts of Jasper as I went to run a bath. Stripping down, I sunk into the vanilla scented water, throwing my head back and closing my eyes. Yet again my thoughts were occupied with the handsome devil that was my boss. His sexy smirk. His thick dark hair. His mysterious green-blue eyes, God, they were gorgeous.

Groaning, I allowed myself ten more minutes to relax before I got out and changed into a pair of shorts and an oversized jumper.

I made my way into the kitchen where I heated up some of last night's dinner and went to sit in front of the television. I switched to an episode of The Big Bang Theory and put my feet up. Finally feeling relaxed and content, my cell-phone rang loudly with Jaspers name flashing violently on the screen, most likely mirroring his mood.

Begrudgingly, I answered. "Mr Queen?"

"Where are the legislation documents Scarlett? I'm not sure whether you noticed or not but my company could no longer be in existence without its mandatory legalities!" He hissed angrily into the phone.

All this man ever did was lose documents, which half the time weren't even lost.

"I left them on your worktop this afternoon Mr Queen," I replied tensely.

"Well, they're not here now!" He droned on sarcastically.

"I'll be there in ten minutes," I snapped ending the call. I couldn't be bothered to change so I slipped into a pair converses and quickly hailed a taxi. Within 5 minutes, I was stood outside Jaspers door, knocking loudly.

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