Chapter 27 - Lost And Found

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Chapter 27 - Lost And Found

Jasper's POV

'I love you more than you will ever know.'

'I love you.'

Her words resonated through my mind mercilessly, taunting me. I stared blankly ahead of me, clutching at her letter, my fingers trembling.

Why would she do this?

Who was she trying to protect beside herself?

"She's gone." I whispered to myself in disbelief.

Horrific images of her being hurt spilled into my mind as beads of sweat formed across my forehead. I had tried calling her over fifty times but I couldn't even reach her voicemail.

The only fücking clue I had was the bank account number where she had deposited all of her money. I grabbed my phone and proceeded to call an old family friend.

"Jasper, son!" His voiced greeted warmly as he answered my call. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Jack." I responded, my voice cold and detached. "I'm sorry but this is not a social call."

"What can I do for you, son?" He questioned, seriousness now evident in his voice.

"Are you still in the Private Investigating business?"

"Gave that shít up when Erica died, why?"

"I need you to trace the details of an unknown bank account and find out everything you can about its occupier." I told him.

"Jasper, is everything alright?" He asked concernedly.

"I'll explain later." I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Can you do this for me or not?"

"Meet me at the strip in an hour."

"Thanks." I replied, ending the call.

I inhaled deeply, the smell of her warm vanilla scent coursed through my veins as I sunk to the floor on my knees, clasping my hands together.

"Please, God - somebody - do something!" I shouted in sheer desperation. I let the tears fall down my cheeks, not even bothering to wipe them away.

The one good thing in my life was gone.

The only person in the whole world who had managed to change me, was gone.

My phone rang abruptly as I quickly grabbed it, hoping it was Scarlett.

But it wasn't.

"Miss Kingston," I greeted smoothly.

"Jasper, why did Scarlett cancel on me tonight? Is everything okay with you two?" She asked genuinely.

She had no idea, did she?

"I sent her to a conference for a few days," I lied.

"You're lying." She stated, accusingly.

"No, I am not." I snapped angrily. "Now, if you don't mind, I have urgent work I need to attend to."

I ended the call abruptly, feeling slightly guilty but I knew that it would be unfair to Melissa if I told her truth. She was close to giving birth soon and I didn't think dropping such heavy news on her would be good for her health given her current state.

I ran my hands through my hair and checked my Rolex which showed the time to be 10:30 PM. I dragged myself down the stairs and sat inside the Rolls, driving to the strip where I was going to meet Jack.

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