Chapter 7 - A Shot In Paris

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Chapter 7 - A Shot In Paris

After a couple of hours, Carlos announced that we would be landing so I gently awoke my sexy little secretary who was lost in sleep.

"Scarlett, wake up," I shook her shoulders gently as her eyelids fluttered open.

"Are we there?" She asked groggily, sitting up.

"Nearly. We'll be landing in ten minutes."

"Oh, okay," she said quietly before looking out of the window.

"Are you all right, Scarlett?"

"This trip seems more to me of a social call rather than a business call," she commented raising an eyebrow.

"I had plans to meet with Mr André but unfortunately he cancelled last minute and there was no point in wasting two perfectly fine tickets," I replied coolly mentally praising myself at my swift thinking.

"That's funny. I don't recall you asking for a meeting with any 'Mr André'", she said sceptically.

She didn't miss a beat, did she?

"Mr André... He's a very difficult man to deal with when it comes to meetings and bookings, he can be quite demanding."

"Is that so?" She smiled knowingly, clearly seeing straight through my lie.

"We're landing," I said quickly before I embarrassed myself any further.

Within five minutes we landed swiftly and safely at Paris airport.

"Thank you, Carlos," I said shaking his hand before exiting the jet.

"Thank you so much Carlos, that was a very pleasant journey," I heard Scarlett's soft voice thanking him.

"You're very welcome, Scarlett, have a nice holiday."

Holiday? Seriously, Carlos? I glared at him as he gave a nonchalant shrug.

"Wow, this is so beautiful," Scarlett spoke as the driver parked up outside the hotel.

"That it is," I grinned. "Shall we?"

I stepped out and offered my arm to her which she gingerly accepted.

"Ever the gentleman aren't we, Mr Queen?" She muttered as she looked up at me.

She was very small in comparison to my six-foot three, not to mention very slim and slender, but her curves! She had such beautifully curvy hips and perfect breasts, soft pink lips, honey brown eyes and a perfect nose. Her legs were never ending and her blonde hair was always styled to perfection.

This woman had no faults about her.

"What can I say, Miss Valentina, the girls can't resist it," I smirked as she rolled her eyes.

"Jasper! Bonjour, mon garçon!" The hotel owner, Louis beamed, coming over to kiss my ass no doubt. "And who is this beautiful rose?" His attention turned to Scarlett, his eyes roaming up and down her body lustfully.

He was a man in his sixties for God's sake! Instinctively, I tightened my grip around Scarlett's waist.

"She is my secretary," I barked before pulling Scarlett over to reception with me.

"Mr Queen!" She snapped glaring at me.

"Whilst we are on this trip, as your employer you are solely my responsibility and I will not have you being looked at like that by a man old enough to be your grandfather." I told her coolly as she shot me a glare.

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