Chapter Sixteen

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Eventually my bad mood subsides enough that positivity doesn't infuriate me. It is still annoying that Hans escaped almost immediately but I suppose Kowalski had a point about this probably making him remain low for a while. As we eat dinner I figure that having fun is probably not a bad idea as it could put my mind off going to find him and redragging him back to the nearest police station or throwing him into a police car.
"We should all go to a club," I suggest as we finish dinner.
"Uh...I have plans," Kowalski quickly says, not looking up from his phone.
"Really?" I ask with a slight frown. "What plans?"
"Literally anything else," he replies with a small grin. "I am not going to a club."
"It could be fun," Rico tries to convince him and I nod in agreement.
"Drunk people. Loads of alcohol. Flashing lights. Loud music," Kowalski lists, adopting an extremely disinterested look. "Not my kind of thing really." I sigh.
"Okay, the four of us then?" I suggest.

"I'll stay too," Gale says. "Kowalski said he would help me get better with computers at some point."
"I did?" Kowalski says with a perplexed expression. Then his expression turned blasé so quickly that I'm concerned he is restricting his own emotions again. "Oh. Right. Yeah, I did."
"You sure?" I ask, given how doubtful his expression is it is at least worth an ask. He nods but I see the doubt flicker across his features momentarily. "Want us to just stay?"
"It's fine Skipper," Kowalski says with a shrug. "Go have fun. One of you stay sober so you don't crash the car." I chuckle.
"We'll uber it," I assure him with a grin. "So don't worry."
"With how reckless you can be, it is only logical to worry," the resident genius counters.
"I-" I try to be indignant but as usual he is right. "Shush..." He does but his expression is mildly amused as well.

"Well, we'll wait outside," I say. "See you guys later."
"Have fun," Gale replies with a smile. We head out, waiting in the slight drizzle of rain. There is no point on taking a coat though because clubs always seem to get pretty hot. Kowalski has tried to explain why but unlike him I don't speak genius and he tends to complicate explanations. We eventually get to the club and I make a beeline for the bar, having not drunk in a while and it is a nice treat. Plus it would certainly improve the outlook on Hans escaping, at least for a short while. Plus everyone likes a good drink occasionally. Even Kowalski who actually could easily drink us all under the table but this isn't his kind of thing. Given he is more quiet and reserved than the rest of us that is pretty unsurprising. It is surprising that Gale didn't want to but I guess extroverts want quiet evenings sometimes.

I often drink quite a bit at clubs but I drink more than usual this time because one, I'm stressed. Two, it has been a while. Three, I want to numb the extremely confusing feelings I have for my lieutenant. I mean I know I like him but I don't get why, nor do I want to like him. He focuses so much on logic and romance is incredibly illogical apparently. Okay, yeah definitely haven't drunk enough if I am still thinking of that. I order another drink, quickly downing it and order another immediately after. Damn having a high alcohol tolerance. It makes getting...not exactly drunk but tipsy difficult.

"Maybe take it easy, Skipper?" Rico suggests.
"Nuh," I retort with a huff. Okay, maybe it is starting to work...Well at least tonight will probably be a fun one.

In hindsight I should have gone with them and I nearly changed my mind when it turned out Gale was saying but the look he gave me heavily gave away that if I left he would make things more miserable when we got back. As soon as the front door closes I try to quickly head to my lab so I can lock myself in when a hand tightens painfully around my wrist.
"What?" I mutter. "You only said you needed computer help so I wouldn't go."
"We've talked about you being rude, haven't we?" Gale asks, slowly tightening his grip with painful pressure. I quickly nod. "Then. Shut. Up." Between words he punches me in the stomach, pinning my wrists together in one hand so I can't try to deflect the attack at all. I bite down hard on my lip to stop myself making any noise, hoping he gets bored soon as his grip loosens. "Good. Now go make me a latte." I nod and quickly head to the kitchen, rubbing my wrist slightly. He sticks his foot out and I don't have time not to fall so I trip, landing on the cool hard ground of the kitchen.

"Ow," I mutter, cringing. Then yelp slightly as his foot connects with my ribs. He then grabs a fistful of my hair, yanking me to my feet.
"You are supposed to be so smart," he muses. "But you are such an idiot! Don't you understand what shut up is?!" I again clamp my lips shut then nod. "Then actually do it you useless brat!" I nod again and quickly make the latte before he gets even angrier. I pass it over then stand perfectly still, like there are thousands of wasps in the room, waiting to see if he wants me to do anything else. "Now go do all of my chores, you are paying for the takeout I want and then you are tidying my entire room and th-"
"No!" I finally snap, being done with his nonsense. If I do it he'll find a reason to beat me up and if I don't then he'll beat me up. At least with one option I won't be doing everything for him.

He slammed the coffee down and took a threatening step forward.
"Did you just say no?" he asks, voice uncannily calm, as I try to step away from him. He's blocking the only exit which doesn't help and I am already aching slightly from being a personal punch bag. I try to go around him quickly but he grabs me by the collar, slamming me against the wall. I try to elbow him but he grabs my arm, slamming it into the edge. I wince as the joint throbs even more. I did manage to get around though so I rip my arm free despite how much it hurts and try to leave.

I nearly get to the lab given I am pretty fast when something metal connects with my leg, making me stumble slightly. That gives Gale the chance to catch up, and grab me by the back of my hair and slams the lab door shut. My leg throbs where the metal connected with it and I glance at his hand to see what he used. Then swallow. No wonder it hurt so much. It was a heavy buckle that caught my attention, the belt swinging slightly. I take a small step back and my back connects with the cool metal door. Fury emits from him and I am really starting to regret my poor decision making.
"You never learn, do you?" he mocks as I swallow. "I think we need to up the ante and make things a little more...memorable." He twirls the belt, raising it again.


Hours later I am still aching and every time I try to lean back the pain across my back makes me sit up straight instead. After that disaster I did the chores and tidied his room because I really didn't want to see what he would do that would be worse after that. He gave me a reminder that I couldn't tell Skipper but this time was more effective. He has a knife and if Skipper confronted him not expecting it... I suppress a shudder because that would probably hurt like hell. The door opens and I take breath of relief. That at least makes it harder for Gale to do anything extreme.
"Kowalski, please help," Rico pleads as I look up from the floor. "He's drunk and drunk Skipper only listens to you." I sigh. Apparently sensibility is too unobtainable for some people. Although it is very him and is quite endearing. I sigh slightly.
"Okay, you two head to bed, I'll make sure he has water," I say. Drunk Skipper isn't too bad. Skipper with a hangover though is a vastly different story and being at least a little hydrated will help a tad.

"Hi Skipper," I say as he stumbles in, looking a bit like that scene were Bambi learns to walk.
"Kolski!" he exclaims, missing several syllables. "You should have come. It was super duper fun!"
"Mhm," I say, mildly. "Well that would have stopped you drinking as much."
"Meany," he says with a sulky expression. I sigh, rolling my eyes as I try not to smile too much because drunk Skipper is pretty funny.
"Well let's get you some water," I say. "Then you can get some sleep."
"Nuh. Don't want water."
"Tough," I say, heading into the kitchen and getting a glass out the cupboard. I freeze when I feel arms around me and wince, glad Skipper can't see the pain across my features as his arms press against my back. Then I frown in confusion as he takes off my glasses.

"Skipper, what are you doing with my glasses?" I ask. Drunk people aren't renowned for being careful.
"You are really cute without them as well!" he says with a grin, still not letting go of me or my glasses. I feel myself blush slightly, making me even more glad that I am not facing him plus he is probably too drunk to notice. It is a bit of a downer that he would never like me unless he was drunk but my feelings are irrelevant anyway.
"Could I please have them back?" I ask. "I do need them to see."
"Mhm. Nuh!"
"Skipper...I'll get hurt without them," I point out. With that he quickly lets go – kind of making me miss the hug even though it was hurting my back – and hands them over finally drinking the water. "Good. Now go get some sleep, okay?" He nods and just heads to the sofa, dropping off incredibly fast. I put a duvet over him and place a bottle of water and painkillers on the coffee table, turning the light off behind me. 

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