Chapter 10- The End

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     Inside the dark cave, silence echos all around. Next to the small fire, Finn, Jake, and BMO rest. Lying on the sand nearest the fire is Simon. Sitting on a nearby rock is Marceline, keeping watch over everyone.

     Marcelines' eyes were cried out, fearing Simon's fate. When they had reached the cave, Simon was unconcious. However, as soon as Marceline attempted to remove the shards, his eye shot open, screams echoing through the cave. Finn and Jake had to hold Simon down until all the shards were removed. He had lost a lot of blood on the way to the cave, and when they had removed the shards. Now he had a high fever and no one knew what to do.

     They knew that Hunson could find them at any moment, and understood how foolish their plan had been. They had run into a situation with no information on what was going on. Had they of known that there were traps, or even that demons from the Nightosphere had been brought to the suface, they never would have gone in. Now simon was going to-

     "Marceline...." Marceline jolts upward. She had never been so happy to hear Simons' voice. "Marceline?" Marceline kneels next to Simon, placing her hand on top of his. Weakly, Simon opens his eyes, his face drained of color.

     "I'm here Simon..." Marceline whispers. Simon smiles but his eyes seem to look through her.

     "Marceline, I-I-I'm so... so sorry..." A tear runs down Marcelines' cheek, and without fail Simon wipes it away from her face, his had shaking. "Don't cry Marceline," Simon struggles to whisper," "Aren't you happy to see me?" Marceline smiles, her throat tight. She nodds "You know," Simon says, looking up at the room of the cave, "You remind me a lot of Betty...  I don't think I ever told you that, did I?" Marceline shook her head. "Oh well, better late than never I-I guess." Simon fell silent. Marcelins' heart dropped, but she realized he had mearly dozed off.

     Standing up, Marceline leaves the cave, walking out onto the beach alone. The night is silent, except for the crashing of waves across the shore. The moon reflects against the suface of the water, casting a long shadow behind Marceline. She stands there for a while, and  isn't sure how long, but as she stares out at the horizon of the dark ocean, she notices a darkness covering the water. It inches closer and closer. At first Marceline thinks its just a mirage, but at it moves closer, she calls Finn and Jake out of the cave. They stand together on the shore,  except for Finn who stands on top of Jakes' head, and wait.

      When the shadow finally reaches  them, a single figure walks out from the water. It's Gunther, and there's somehing under his flipper. He wadddles up to Marceline, who stands dumbfounded from the sudden apperance of the little penguin.

     "Gunther? What are you-" Marceline cuts off. Finn and Jake can't see what it is that Gunther has handed Marceline, but whatever it is stops her cold.

     "Hey?" Finn whispers, "What's up Marceline?" Marceline shakes her head "Marceline, what is it?"

     Marceline turns to her two friends, and in her hands is The Crown.

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     Simon is lost in his thoughts, his body shaking. He couldn't tell if it was from the cold, or his fever. Actually, he couldn't feel much of anything now. His mind began to slow, amd one thing echooed in his head.

     I am going to die....

      Simon shuts his eyes, trying to hear what was going on outside. He knew he was dying, he could feel it coming over him like a heavy blanket. The more it covered him the less he felt like escaping from it.

     Dying wouldn't be so bad. Simon thought to himself. I've been alive a lot longer than I should have. I should of died with the rest of humanity. I used to be human for God sake! I had a life, a great career.. a wife-to-be.... Anger rose in Simons' heart It was all that crowns fault! If I had died with the rest of the world, I wouldn't be like this! I would be somewhere else, somewhere with my precious Betty. I never would have been lost in this new world, I would never of had to go through all the pain I did... I never would of met all these creatures... I never would of seen Marceline grow up... Simons anger dissapeared. I never would of had the chance to protect Marceline. I would of never of had the chance to be there for her...  She would of been left all alone in this new world, with no one to watch over her... Simon now felt fear. I can't leave now! She needs me more than ever, and there's nothing that can save me now! Simons vision began to blurr,  a strange numbness running over his body. Oh please, no... Simons eyes filled with tears......I don't want to go...

     "Simon?" Simon stuggled to see who was standing next to him, but he recognized her voice. "Oh-no Simon! Please, can you hear me?!" Mareline began to panic, grabbing Simons hand. "Please Simon, I need to ask you something...." Simon couldn't bring himself to speak, so he nodded weakly instead. "Simon... I know you've been running for a long time, and now...-" Marceline sounded like she was trying not to cry, but she couldn't hold it in anylonger, and began to sobb.

     What is she trying ask me?

     "Simon... You're going to die soon, and we all know that. But...but..." Marceline wipes the tears from her face," But there's something that can save you..."

     Something... that can... save me?

     "But, I- I don't want to give it to you unless you want it... " Marceline places The Crown on the ground next to Simon where he can see it. "We're going to let you decide..." Marceline releases Simon's hand. "Finn, Jake? Can you please leave.." Finn and Jake quickly make their way outside, not even looking back.

      Marceline and Simon sit in silence for what seems like forever. Marceline tries her hardest to contain her tears. Simons breathing becomes faint, but he somehow manages to reaches out his hand. He passes the crown and instead grabs Marcelines hand. Marcelines' heart drops.

      "Mar... Marceline... "Simon whispers, "I want you to go outside with- with Finn and Jake......" Marceline tries to argue. "Marce--celine... please go..." Marceline releases a soft sob. Simon touches her cheek. "You know you'll always be my little girl...." Simons' hand drops to the ground. Marceline stands up and  floats out of cave, passing by Finn and Jake who are sitting by the entrence. She can hear them crying, but doesn't stop. She keeps going down the shoreline, until she's all alone. She drops to the ground, bringing her knees to her chest. Only when she's certain Finn and Jake can't hear her, she lets it all out. She cries harder than she's ever had before. Her chest aches, her ribs sore, but she can't stop.

     After all these years, Simon finally came back.... I finally had him back but now... Marceline lays on her side, exaughtsed both physically and mentally. 






Now he's gone...

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