Chapter 3- Band Practice

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     Marceline was tuning her ax bass, when she hears knocking at the door. When she opens it, there's no one in sight. She floats out to look around, when she hears singing from the mouth of the cave. Looking, she can see Finn and Jake. They were singing... something.... sorta. They never were the best singers she had ever heard, but they had heart and that's all she cared about.

     "Hey, you guys!" Marceline shouts,"What are you doing here so early?!"

     Finn waves to Marceline, and Jake takes the oppurtunity to trip him. Marceline rolls her eyes, floating back into the house. She could have sworn she heard knocking. That's when she had a sudden idea, floating above the doorway. She waits until Finn walks past her. Right away, Jake strolls in.  Marceline makes her move. In a sudden burst of speed, she leaps down onto Jakes' neck, hissing right next to his ear. Sure enough Jake screams and cowards underneath the couch, Schwabl watching curiously.

     "Aw man Marceline," Finn chuckles," Now were gonna have to try to force him out of there."

     "Sorry man, I just can't help it. It funny every time."

     Marceline and Finn evetually get Jake out, and set up for their practice. Finn and Jake pull out the snacks, placing the packages in diffrent bowls. By now they've explained the stuff going on in the Candy Kingdom, but Marceline doesn't seem too concerned.

     "Whatever it is," She says," At least it's doing some good. Speaking of good, you guys wanna hear the new song I have planned out for us?"

     "Sure, sing it out!" Finn shouts, posing dramaticly.

     "Let your music fill our souls!" Jake whispers. Finn and Marceline stare at Jake.

     "Dude," Finn whispers," That's deep."

     "I know, but not too deep, right?" Jake asks. Marceline replies this time.

     "Nah, just about Well deep. Not too deep, but deep enough." They all laugh and tune their gear, waiting for their last band mate to arrive.

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     It's close to night by the time they hear PB at the door. Its begun to rain and it sounds stormy out. They open the door expecting to find a joyful as ever PB, but instead they are greeted by a hair frazzled PB. Finn doesn't know what to say, but he's the first to speak.

     "What happened PB? You're soaking wet, and there's mud all over your clothes."

     "Finn! Jake! Marceline!" Something terrible has happened. The Candy Kingdom is flooding!" PB grabs Finns hand.

     "PB! You're freezing!" Finn tries to pull away but PB's grasp is strong."Hold on PB, let me get a coat or something."

     "Come on Finn" Jake insists,"Man up and get ready! Real adventurers don't need coats!"

     "That may be the dumbest thing I've ever heard Jake," Marceline says," Here Finn, you guys left your coats the last time you were here. I'll go get 'em."

     By the time everyone was ready to go, PB had left ahead of time to continue helping evacuate the candy people. Finn didn't know what to expect, but he knew he had to help out.


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