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No good thing lasted forever

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No good thing lasted forever. Josie's week-long stint at my house was over, and now I was stuck to cooking my own meals, which I was quickly realizing was a completely different experience now that I was rich. Or at least, not broke. I could eat pasta every single day and still not be on the streets, which was interesting and cool when I noted it for the first time. I'd started the coffee first thing in the morning, keeping the jar of pasta sauce out of the fridge and putting water on boil. With eyeliner only on one eye yet, I poured the boiled pasta into the pan with sauce covering it with a lid so I could finish getting ready and get to work on time. Aiden was a total stickler for the rules, and being late was an absolute crime in his eyes.

He must have been a fun kid in kindergarten.

My breakfast was usually accompanied by the morning news, just so I could keep track of what's in the business world, but I couldn't see the newspaper kept out at my doorstep this morning. Strange. Washing down my toast with some coffee, I walked over to Aiden's house so Josie could give me the morning papers.

That's what neighbours are for, right?

When I rang the doorbell, I didn't prepare for the possibility that Aiden might open the door, which is what made me choke on my spit and inevitably launch into a coughing fit. Great job, Thea.

In my defence, I really wasn't ready to see him half-naked. And while I had known Aiden to keep incredibly fit, I had not imagined this level of fitness where I could see the stiffness of his abs despite the half apple hanging from his mouth. Jesus, just how defined he would look right after a workout?

Focus, Thea.


My mouth was half dry as I tried to speak, making Aiden clench his jaw in frustration. He clearly didn't like being kept waiting.

"Um, I just wanted to... I had to ask if you, uhm," wow, I was a fucking mess, "Newspaper." I finally managed to spit out, hoping he would get the hint.

Aiden raised a brow before retreating into his home, leaving the door open. Was I supposed to follow? Was I supposed to wait here? Waiting was the safer option. You wouldn't want to go to the lion's den voluntarily.

Also, I wasn't sure if I would have spectacular self-control given his current state. It was only now that I was observing how I had shown up at his doorstep, wearing Harry Potter shorts and a grey robe over my green bralette. At least I had eyeliner on both eyes. I wanted to fuss about my appearance, and I wanted to make an effort to look better, but I remembered that the best time I had ever spent with Aiden was wearing an old sweatshirt and shorts with holes in them. He'd seen through all of that and decided that I was worth investing in.

It only quietened my fears for a moment, before he returned, without the apple and with the newspaper. Much to the relief of my nerves, he had put a shirt on, buttoning the top few spots only, enough to be considered decent.

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