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Over the weekend, I had finished moving and relocating my precious things

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Over the weekend, I had finished moving and relocating my precious things. I'd celebrated by taking Kylie to Pizza Hut, finally eating food to my heart's content. When Kylie asked me if I was good to allow her to order a second serving of garlic bread, I nodded enthusiastically, making her suspicious. She asked me a little about my sugar daddy, and even though I had to tell her multiple times that Aiden was not my sugar daddy, she refused to call him anything else.

"Like, I get it you're a dropout from a B-school and whatever but, how good of an intern do you need to be to earn all of this?" she said, vaguely pointing at my freshly colored hair and new dress. It had been a casual dress, but I wondered now if I should have worn something like a sweatshirt and jeans. Kylie was wearing a scarf modeled into a shirt, learning this hack from some youtuber that she followed like religion. Her fashion sense was a little out there, and honestly not for me, but she was killing it and I was amazed by her ability to make clothes work no matter how tacky the concept was.

We parted ways after taking ice cream for dessert, promising to continue texting and meeting as much as our schedules allowed. She invited herself to my job sometime in the week so she could see me more frequently, but I suspected it was just the free food. I didn't mind. Our bill tonight hadn't made me cringe and panic. None of our bills would.

I liked this life.

I woke up extra early the next morning. I had willed myself to sleep early, keeping away all distractions till my boredom took over. I had to be perfect on my first day. While the added pressure was insane, there was a stronger current of excitement pouring over me, reflecting in my eyes. With Kylie's added help I'd purchased some preliminary make up, happy that my rusty eyeliner skills weren't half as bad. I liked lipsticks the most, they were the easiest and made an instant difference to one's appearance.

I was still in the robe after taking a shower when Josie let herself in, hauling in a large bag of groceries. I requested something light, the excitement too much to stomach more.

"How does toast and fruits sound?"

I nodded, letting her do her thing, rushing back to my room to get ready. I'd picked a black shirt and checkered pants for today, with some basic black heels, trying to keep myself comfortable and yet making a good impression.

Josie popped in to see how I liked my coffee just when I was done getting ready.

"You look good, Ms. Scott. I think you'll fit perfectly with Mr. Steele's employees." She complimented, and my confidence shot up 100 points.

"Does he have employees at his home all the time?"

"Very rarely. Mr. Steele prefers keeping his employees out of his personal life. I think only Mr. Emerson has permission to move freely at his home."

"That must be incredibly lonely," I noted, sitting on the new table, still getting used to the lovely marble countertop.

"I assume so. Mr. Steele has a very close circle and he doesn't branch out a lot. I was very surprised to see you at his place." She put down a tray with my breakfast, two slices of toast with butter and a bowl of fruits and a coffee. I dug into the meal, taking care not to let anything touch my clothes.

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