Chapter 17

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A few days later...

After my grandsons had graduated from the academy, Naruto was asked by Mizuki to have a chat with him and I let him go, knowing that since he graduated from the academy, he's responsible to make his own choices. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case... Naruto didn't come home that night and I was informed by Hiruzen that Mizuki had tricked Naruto into stealing the Forbidden Scroll. The reason being, he wanted to impress me with a jutsu he learned all on his own. Mizuki had tried stealing the scroll from Naruto and Iruka had arrived intime to save him, thankfully. In the end, Naruto learned Shadow Clone Jutsu, Iruka was sent to the hospital to tend to his injuries and Mizuki was sent to T&I to be questioned. All was well...but I still scolded Naruto for stealing the scroll in the first place.

Present time, I sat once again in my pajamas and reading my journal, eating some dango I made this morning for lunch, all this happening in the living room. Such a peaceful time, so peaceful until...

"We're home, believe it!" My energetic son cried, running in the living room. Sasuke behind him, looking impassive as always.

"So what team were you assigned to?" I asked, putting down my journal. They walked up to me and sat on the couch with me.

"We were assigned together, along with Sakura and Kakashi-sensei is our squad teacher." Sasuke informed. "Though Sakura is real annoying, and Kakashi-sensei... I can't believe he's jounin ranked, he fell for Naruto's trap."

"But the worst part is that we have to wake up really early, not eat breakfast tomorrow for a survival exercise Kakashi-sensei is giving us, believe it!" Naruto cried. "He said that if we don't pass, then we'll be put back into the academy, believe it!" Sasuke only grunted at his words, which for me meant he confirmed it.

"I see, how early do you plan on waking up?" I asked, they responded by telling me around five in the morning. "Well sleep in till eight and I'll make breakfast for you." They tried to retort saying that they'll be breaking the rules. "How late was he?" They stayed quiet and I could tell he was extremely late to meeting up with them, and I sighed, remembering when Kakashi was always be on time. In the end, they gave up arguing with me and gave up, knowing that they couldn't win. "Also, if this is a survival test, then it's best to work as a team, kinda like how you two work together to fight against me." Their eyes lit up like light bulbs and they ran to Naruto's room, to start planning.

Seven in the morning...

I woke up, the light of the rising sun cracking through my curtains, groaning as I sat up, the blanket falling to my lap. I rubbed my eyes and removed the blanket covering me and walked to the bathroom. To complete my morning routine of brushing my teeth and smoothing out my hair.

Once I was done, I went straight to the kitchen and started to make breakfast, knowing that they'll come out of their rooms in about forty minutes. I prepared pancakes, fruit, and smoothies. Right when I was done making them, I heard them come out of their rooms walking to the kitchen to get dishes for all three of us; plates and utensils. I brought out the food and placed it in the middle of the table, making it buffet style. We said our thanks and began eating our breakfast.

In about thirty minutes, Naruto and Sasuke finished their food, put their dishes in the sink to be cleaned and left to go to their training exercise. Once I finished my own meal, I stood up and used a gravity jutsu, making the dishes float and I guided them to the kitchen to be washed. Placed them in the sink and picked up a sponge, beginning my dish washing adventure.

Another few days later...

I was sitting on the couch once again reading but this time I wasn't reading one of my journals, I was reading Make out Paradise, a novel that Jiraiya wrote and published. I thought it would be nice to read, because described some of his adventure and that was nice, but still, it's a perverted book so I don't read it when the boys are around.

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