Chapter 16

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Seven years later...

I sat on the couch in the living room, rereading on of my journals from past years, laughing a bit from the memory of the sight of the Hokages' faces in the Hokage Rock, vandalized with paint from a few days ago. It was quite a sight.

In these past few years... two years after I arrived in Konoha, the Uchiha Massacre took place, Itachi killing every one of them except for Sasuke... speaking of the boy, he now lives with me since I am his godmother. I have call me Granny Ayumi, since I refuse to have him replace me as his mother. Also a few months before I took in Sasuke, I adopted Naruto as well... I asked Hiruzen to do so because I didn't want him to grow up completely parentless and he accepted. Now the two are adopted brothers, though they do butt heads when I'm not looking.

But back to the Uchiha Massacre, after it took place, I immediately went to Hiruzen to figure out what happen and when I learned the truth, I fell to my knees and cried. It was the first time I cried in years, from the time I first injured Izuna, to the death of Hashirama, Tobirama and Mito. But after I calmed down, I brought up the adoption of Sasuke to Hiruzen, telling him I was chosen to become his godmother.

Danzo tried to stop me from adopting him, claiming that I didn't have the capabilities to take care of him since I already adopted Naruto and since I'm a traveler. I of course just informed them I would stay in the village until they were of age to take care of themselves and I asked him what kind of requirements I was missing. He didn't say anything but scowled at me. The process of my adoption of Sasuke went smoothly and I also purchased a four-bedroom suite and sold my one-bedroom apartment.

When I was shopping for their furniture, let me tell you it was quite the journey, Sasuke wanted everything to be simple while Naruto wanted a loft bed. I made sure to get them the things they wanted for their rooms. They argued with each other for some strange reason, judging each other because of their tastes. It was funny but annoying at the same time.

Then at the end of it, we took a group photo; I was smiling while hold the two on their shoulders, Naruto had a huge grin on his face with a thumbs up and Sasuke surprisingly had a small smile across his face. It was a nice photo.

In the first few years after I adopted them both, I told Sasuke why Itachi did what he did and then Sasuke accused me of lying and asked me why Itachi told him to kill him, and I responded by telling him.

"Itachi did it to protect you." Sasuke had teared up and started to cry, of course I hugged him, rubbing his back to soothe him. Then Sasuke proclaimed that he'll save his brother and that he'll seek revenge against the people who made Itachi commit such a despicable act.

As for Naruto, I explained to him why the villagers acted the way they do to him. I told him that Kurama or I told Naruto the Nine-Tail Fox resides within him. Then he started to ask me why they treat him like Kurama. And I simply told him that for them the Prison and the Prisoner are considered the same in their eyes.

Though I wasn't supposed to tell them these secrets, I informed them that if they told anyone I would probably get in trouble for it, so they promised to keep it a secret that I told them, but if anyone asked how they know of it, they'll just say they figured it out on their own. Also in the past few years, I taught them a few jutsus and Chakra Control so that they'll be ahead from everyone else for the graduation exam. I also taught them about history and things they'll need to know when become shinobis.

At the present time, summoned my status board to see what had changed.

Name: Ayumi

Family Name: [blocked]

Age: 84

Title(s): Reincarnated, Child beloved by the Sage of Six Paths, Sharingon User, Prodigy,  Craftsman (or woman?), Traveler, Friend of all Tailed Beasts, Friend of Many Clans, Shinobi Goddess, Sage, Master of Shogi, Holder of Many Contracts, The True Neutral of War, Adoptive Mother of Two

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