A Bond Unraveled

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In the realm of lost connections, where echoes reside,
A tale of a bond, that once held pride.
A friendship that flourished, a love that grew,
Now lies in ruins, a bond that's askew.

Once we laughed together, shared dreams and fears,
Now all that remains are the remnants of tears.
The bond we held, so strong and true,
Now lies in ruins, faded in hue.

The laughter has silenced, the dreams have faded,
The bond we cherished, now jaded.
A connection that once held promise and hope,
Now lies in ruins, at the end of its rope.

The reasons may vary, the pain may differ,
But the loss of a bond, makes the heart quiver.
The memories linger, like ghosts in the night,
Remnants of a bond, that once held light.

Yet, in the ruins of what once was,
There's a lesson to be learned, a worthy cause.
For every bond that breaks, every love that ends,
Leaves room for growth, for new amends.

In the ruins, we find strength and resilience,
A testament to our heart's brilliance.
For even in loss, even in despair,
There's a spark of hope, a chance to repair.

So here's to the bond that's now in ruins,
To the love that was, and the lessons it brings.
For in the wreckage of a broken bond,
There's a chance for a new dawn, a new fond.

In the realm of lost connections, where echoes reside,
There's a hope for a new bond, a new stride.
For even in ruins, there's a chance to rebuild,
A chance for a new bond, to be instilled.

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