A Heart Betrayed

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In the depths of my heart, I believed his words,
When he professed his love, like sweet singing birds.
But as time went on, the truth became clear,
His love was a facade, a mask he did wear.

He claimed to be in love, but it was a lie,
For his actions spoke louder, with a deceitful cry.
I saw through the charade, the hidden need,
He only wanted me for his own selfish greed.

It hurts to realize, to accept the truth,
That the one I cared for was so uncouth.
To play with my emotions, to lead me astray,
Leaving me with a heart that's in disarray.

But I won't let his deception define my worth,
I'll rise above the pain, find strength and rebirth.
For I deserve a love that's genuine and true,
A love that cherishes me, just like I do.

So I'll let go of the lies, the false affection,
And open my heart to a new direction.
I'll wait for a love that's honest and real,
A love that will heal, and help my heart to heal.

In the face of betrayal, I'll find my way,
To a love that's authentic, where trust will stay.
I won't settle for less, for I know I deserve,
A love that's pure, a love that will preserve.

So goodbye to the one who only sought to deceive,
I'll find a love that will make my heart believe.
I'll learn from this lesson, and grow from the pain,
And find a love that will never wane.

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