A Deceptive Love

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In the realm of deceit, where shadows reside,
A tale of false love, I now confide.
For someone you met, who claimed to adore,
But beneath the surface, a lie did he store.

He spoke of love, with words so sweet,
But his actions revealed a different beat.
For love is not just a mere necessity,
It's a bond built on trust and authenticity.

From what you see, from what you feel,
His intentions are clear, they're not concealed.
He seeks your presence, not for love's embrace,
But to fulfill his needs, in a selfish chase.

But fear not, dear one, for you deserve more,
A love that's genuine, to your very core.
Do not settle for someone who only takes,
But hold out for a love that truly awakes.

For love is a dance of hearts intertwined,
A connection that's pure, gentle and kind.
It's built on respect, on trust and on care,
Not on empty words, or a fleeting affair.

So let go of the illusion, the false pretense,
And embrace the truth, with newfound sense.
You deserve a love that's honest and true,
A love that cherishes and uplifts you.

In the face of deception, you'll find your way,
To a love that's real, that will never betray.
Hold onto your worth, let your heart be free,
For a love that's genuine, is what you'll soon see.

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