Chapter forty nine: the selfish reaper

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Is it possible to get rid of someone you cared for deeply just moments ago? Is it possible to return to the person you once was before they entered your life? I want to return my old icy state, but I feel like I can't, and that's the problem. I'm feeling too much. I'm supposed to keep my emotions locked away, but I couldn't could I? I had to let them overflow and take over my life. Why is being a Demi God so complicated?!

"Cmon Rave, you can stay with me" Leo says as he pulls an arm over my shoulders and starts walking me away from my wretched brother.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I hear Blake say behind me.

"Nope!" Leo replies without turning back.

"It's you who's forgotten something" I seethe under my breath.

"Really?" Blake says, sarcasm lacing his tone.

"Where's your son Blake?" As I say this, Leo comes to a halt.

"You have a son?" He says, turning to face Blake.

"You had to tell him of all people" Blake says, sighing.

"I'm shocked to the core mr darkness!" Leo says, holding his chest in fake hurt.
"You? And a child? Gosh now that is danger" Leo says, his eyes slowly beginning to illuminate.

"I'm a better father than you could ever be!" Blake grits out, his eyes slowly being consumed by darkness.

"Really? Care to elaborate where this son of yours is? Because if I had a son he'd certainly be at my side AT ALL TIMES!" Leo screams into my brothers stone cold face.

"I can't exactly bring him here where gods have easy access to kill him"

"Then who's looking after him??" Leo practically spits out at him.


Before Blake can finish his sentence, a familiar voice begins chanting in the background.

"Fight fight fight!!"

I turn to the source of the voice and find Hermes and Ally standing right behind us.
Ally keeps nudging the god in the side to shut him up, but doesn't succeed.

"What on earth are you two doing here?!" I yell at them, causing Leo and Blake to turn to face them as well.

"Seriously that God is so annoying and nosy it's unbelievable!" Leo shouts, pointing at Hermes.

"I may be nosy but at least I don't have a short fuse" Hermes says in amusement, cocking a grin to the side.

"What are you implying" as Leo says this, his eyes begin to glow vibrantly once again.

Oh how ironic.

"Some beings are just plain idiots" Blake says, sighing as he slowly begins to approach me. Before he can take another step, Leo stands in his way.

"Now where are you going?" He says, raising an eyebrow.

Grunting, Blake stays put. I turn my attention back to the two little spies behind me.

"Answer the question" I grit out. Ally goes pale as Hermes crosses his arms over his chest.

"Miss reaper are you trying to be intimidating? You're weakened, you won't scare anyone like that" Hermes says, chuckling to himself. Leo and Blake both glare at him as I stand still, stunned.

Looking intensely at my face, Hermes grins. However, tears fall down Ally's rosy cheeks.

"This is all my fault!" She cries out in anguish.

"Now what gave you that idea?" I say, lacing my every word with sarcasm.

"Rave, give the girl a break!" Leo barks at me. I turn to him, shocked he actually spoke to me in that way.

"Besides aren't you the one who asked her to turn you human?" Blake says, cocking at eyebrow at me.

"The second time, not the first!" I say, clenching my jaw.

"Oh miss reaper! I do believe your cold heart is the reason why she stripped you of your powers in the first place" Hermes says, leaning on the mound he was hiding behind moments ago.
"Ahh, but I believe that your heart is neither cold nor black anymore, is it?" Hermes says, grinning at me.

"Then what exactly is it?" I ask in annoyance.

"Your heart swells with pride but also is overflowing with jealousy. Miss reaper, if I may say I'm certain that your selfish actions have led to this"

"S-selfish!" I cough out, shocked.

"Well what did you think it was? Kindness? Caring? Love?" Hermes says, his grin growing wider and wider.

"What exactly are you implying fly boy" Leo says through his clenched teeth.

"Think about it. Blake you must know what I'm talking about? After all you've been suspecting this all along" Hermes says, bringing everyone's attention to my brother.

With all eyes on him, Blake shifts uncomfortably under our gazes. Turning back to Hermes, I glare at him.

"Think about what" I say.

"Well miss reaper. You're extremely selfish, you know that? You started a war based off a mere vision. The future isn't set in stone Raven. You could have chosen a different path. Instead of declaring war on a foolish vampire king, you could have simply stripped him of his immortality instead of your little boyfriend"

As Hermes says this, his childish grin no longer remains and his face grows cold and stern.

"You took the mortals immortality?" Blake asks from behind me. I don't glance his way and merely remain as silent as a mouse.

"Oh that's not all Blakey boy!! No no no!"

Hermes words begin to taunt me, causing me to turn my head towards the ground.

"Little miss 'I'm the most powerful reaper' over here has been recruiting Gods of many arts to aid her in this war. However, one of these Gods saw past her actions and realised the real reason she started this war. That's right kids, the Indian God of war rejected her request because the real reason this war began was because Raven wanted the glory of winning a war!" Hermes practically yells out at me.

"That's not true!" I say, fighting back only to be shot down once again by the God.

"Not true? Sweetie think over your actions! People have been doubting you and Blake from the beginning. Even the Chinese goddess of mercy told you this yet you wouldn't back down would you? Oh no you just had to let your pride take over, allowing your emotions to spill out! If this wasn't true then answer me this, how can a Demi God ever become a goddess? Hmm? How!" Hermes bellows out me.

Stricken with grief, I end up speechless. Ally looks at me, clearly shocked by Hermes words.

"Oh and here's the best part Raven. I've discovered your weakness" Hermes announces proudly. Everyone turns to him, waiting for the answer to fall from his pink lips.


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