Chapter twenty: stripped from imortality

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Ally stares into my eyes, a crystal tear forms in the corner of one of her sapphire eyes, slowly rolling down her rosy cheek. I knew she was doubting herself. I know she thinks she will fail me.
Her gentle touch reaches me and a shock bellows throughout my body. My skin begins changing from its pale snow like colour to a peachy pink colour, the type of skin that has blood flowing through the body underneath it. My clothes formed back into a familiar pair of black jeans, a red top hugging to my torso and the all too familiar red stripe in the front of my hair. My scythe, disappears and along with it so does my brother:
A heavy weight forms in my chest and I gasp to the surprise of feeling the weight of my heart beating.
Looking back up at Ally, I notice her tears flow more frequently. Once I adapt to my new body changes, I notice the sorrowful look in Leo's amber eyes. I gesture towards Ally, suggesting that he should take her back to Callum. Leo realises what I'm suggesting and gently places his hands into Ally's small shoulders. She mouths a 'sorry' to me but all I do is smile at her. A red flame envelopes the too of them and they disappear along with the flame.
Jamie stares at me in shock whilst Luke appears to fetch some items from his bedroom.

"I hate to be a bother Jamie but would you mind grabbing me something to eat? I would do it myself but I can't cook" I say, smiling at him warmly.

"S..sure Raven" Jamie says meekly, walking into the kitchen. I can tell he is shocked at how differently I'm acting. Once I was stripped from my reaper powers, I felt the warm emotions return to me. I know I say a lot that reapers don't have emotions but what I mean by that is we don't feel sadness, joy or love. We only feel anger usually, so I need to become accustomed to these new emotions because I have a feeling I will be experiencing them more than one would think.
Luke returns back into the living room just as I decide to sit down.

"I picked up a few things for you the last time you were mortal but I didn't have chance to give them to you because, well you know something came up" Luke says sheepishly referring to the time we were kidnapped. He hands me a box and a cotton lined jacket.
Taking a closer look at the jacket I realise that it's black colour matches my jeans and I also notice that the jacket has grey stripes among it.
Swiftly, I put the jacket on and zip it up feeling warmer already.

"I thought you might like that jacket because of its dark colours and that fact that it has a hood" he says, referring to hood sewn on the back of the jacket. I firmly pull the hood up around my face, smiling gratefully towards him. I automatically become comfortable masking my face once again, it was the one habit of mine that I couldn't quite shake off.
Looking back at the cardboard box in front me, I curl my fragile fingers around the edges of the box and swiftly lift it off and onto the table. Inside the box lays a pair of converse that were a ruby colour, coincidentally matching the ref top beneath my new jacket. I quickly place them into my feet however they feel very loose.

"They feel like they will fall off" I say to Luke, looking at the flimsy show on the end of my foot.

"You haven't tied the laces that's all" Luke says, bending down to my feet and smoothly tying both shoes into a neat bow.
"I'm just glad they fit" he says sheepishly, standing back up and admiring my new appearance.
All of a sudden I stand up and wrap my arms around his warm body. The shock also came to Luke as he eventually hugged me back. I don't know why I hugged him I just felt this urge that this would be a good way to thank him for all he had done.
I hear a door swing open at the back of the room and I hastily remove myself from Luke as he scratches the back of his neck.
Jamie walks in holding a plate with a few sandwiches laying atop of the piece of china.
He looks at the two of us and grins.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything you two"   He says, raising his eyebrows at the sudden awkwardness in the room.
I smile gratefully to him as he hands me the plate.
Eagerly I sit down and swallow every sandwich that was on that plate. My stomach stops hurting as it becomes satisfied with the food that was consumed.

"So what do we do now?" Luke asks, gazing out the window.

"Firstly we need to be seen out in public together so that the vampires will realise you are with a mortal woman. If thy are smart, they will back off realising that I would have nothing to do with an immortal that is together with a mortal woman anyway. Hopefully they will then back off from you and I can continue preparations for the up and coming war" I say, stating what is needed to be done and why.

"That doesn't seem to hard" Luke says smugly.

"You also cannot think anything about this plan as vampires can read minds which you should already know. You will also have to show affection towards me as vampires are not stupid" I say, gazing into his eyes with a serious tone in my voice.
Luke nods, a slight tinge of red appearing in his tanned cheeks.
I felt my own cheeks heat up due to the fact that I will have to show my own affection towards him as well. I wonder if this plan will change me at all.

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