Chapter eleven: Death knocks again

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Declare war he says....declare war I say.....somehow I never thought my life would come to this. Me? Falling in love with a mortal?  Or should I say an immortal.

If I was told this by somebody a couple of weeks ago I would most probably have stolen their soul then and there yet with Leo looking into my eyes, it's clear I had fallen for Luke....and it broke my heart when he said he's disgusted at falling in love with me.

"Raven why are you going to declare war?" Leo says, standing before me in the underworld.

"You tell me. You're the one that said I was going to declare war after all" I say to him as I look into the distance.

Souls wander endlessly across the plains, never knowing where to go. They just wander. Sometimes I wish I could just wander endlessly without having any troubles disturbing my mind.

"Raven I want you to know that I will always be by your side" Leo says, his eyes turning a golden shade. I turn to him and give him a genuine smile. Not a smirk. A smile.

"I know Leo, but I don't understand why I would declare war all of a sudden" I say, confusion washing over my face.

"Perhaps it's to do with that Vampire King? Leo suggests. He could be right. He's always causing trouble..

"I know you two have some bad blood but seriously, I want to know why on earth I would declare war" I say, sighing as I rake through my mind of possible solutions to this problem.

"Maybe it's because of him" Leo says, pointing into the distance.

I look to where he is pointing and almost drop my scythe. Callum is in the world of the a spirit. That's impossible, he shouldn't be here. Taking a closer look at him, I notice one difference to his soul rather than the others. He's conscious. The reason souls wander endlessly across these plains is because they have unfinished business. Yet, Callum is looking all around him, not recognising where he is.

Did he die? How could the vampire kings brother be dead? Unless....
I storm my way up to him and stand right in front of him. He looks at me with a confused expression.

"Why are you here?" I demand, wanting to know how he was here and conscious.

"You think I chose to be here? Honestly I'd prefer to be back in the cage my little brother placed me in" he huffs, looking at me straight in the eye.

"How did you get here?" I shout, standing with my scythe in hand.

"Why do you think, I was stabbed by my own brother" he says.

"That's impossible, vampires can survive small attacks like that" I state.

"Yeah well the knife he used wasn't your everyday kitchen knife" he retorts, huffing.

"You mean..."

"Yes, I mean exactly that"

"But you wouldn't be able to get here without a reaper escort? Did a reaper bring you here?" I ask, remembering that small fact.

"Honestly, all I remember is being stabbed" he says, looking at me with a sorrowful look.

That King is going too far. He's going to be overthrown soon if he doesn't think carefully.

"You're  deaths daughter right?" Callum says, looking into my eyes.
"You're definitely a reaper" he says, seeming to inspect my body as he looks up down.

"Indeed I am deaths daughter, and why on earth would you need to know that?" I question.

"I need to save Ally! I know you're good friends with her and Adam deceived her!" He states, his expressions changing to one of worry.

"Adam took over the throne because you were careless!" I beam, remembering the countless deaths caused by this little vampire.

"That's the funny part. All those crimes committed at my time of reign, I didn't have a clue about it" he says, looking at me with honesty in his eyes.

"You didn't? But you're the one who committed them?" I stare at him in disbelief. He's lying, he can't be telling the truth...can he?

"I found the same knife I was stabbed with near each body Raven. He's the one who killed them" he states in all seriousness.

"So why is Ally in danger?" I ask, pushing aside the fact that he called me her friend. It really isn't the time for arguing.
Adam loves Ally, he wouldn't dare hurt her.

"Once he marries her, he will have stronger powers far worse than hell!" He beams.

"Did someone say hell?" Leo says, stepping up next to me.

"Leonardo not now" I mutter in a dominant tone.

"Must be serious if you're calling me Leonardo" he retorts.

"That's because Adam is planning to kill Ally" Callum finally says.

"What!" I scream.
If the prophecy is correct, Ally is supposed to be our saviour. The being to create peace over our world for the next hundred years.

"After he marries her, he will gain powers but if he also kills her he receives her powers. Therefore becoming a god"

"No" I gasp in horror.

"Raven I think we found out why you are going to declare war" Leo says.

Just then an alarm starts to bellow around the plains. The siren began to beam all across the underworld.

"What's that?" Callum asks.

"I'll explain later" I grab my scythe and point it at him.
"I'm sending you to a room in the castle wing. There you will wait for Ally. You can explain everything to her then." Black smoke begins to appear around his legs. I'm giving his life back. He isn't supposed to be dead, he needs to take over the throne.
Once I was sure Callum had entered the room in the castle wing, I make my way back towards the main entrance of the castle.

"Raven wait up!" Leo says, running after me.
This alarm wasn't your ordinary fire warning, no this alarm meant a being from Earth made their way into the underworld.

You can't enter this world unless escorted a reaper, by a god or if you are God. If you're dead then you would already have been escorted here so who is this intruder?

"Raven what's going on?" Leo asks me once he finally catches up to my fast pace.

"An intruder has entered the underworld" I say as I burst my way through the black doors of the castle.

"Father!" I beam. He appears right in front of me looking shocked.
"What is it?" I ask him, looking into his dark garnet orbs.

His long bony finger points behind me. I spin myself around and find myself looking at the vampire princess. Jenna.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. She looks out of breath, almost as if she had just ran a marathon.

"I need your help. Ally is in danger. Adam is trying to kill her or at least hurt her" she says.
I look at Leo and he nods. I sigh as I grab my ruby scythe and spin it around the three of us, leaving my father behind.

We appear outside the vampire castle doors.
Jenna steps forward and crashes through the front doors.

"Alright brother, let's settle this once and for all!" She screams.

"Jenna what are you seriously gonna do? Slap me with a handbag?" I hear Adam say as he laughs. What on earth is she thinking? She went inside without me and Leo! She better have a plan. I'm not saving two teenagers today.

"Oh I won't be doing anything" Jenna replies.
Great, thanks for the help Jenna. I highly appreciate it!

"Then what are you going to do?" Adam says laughing. He will stop laughing once he sees me again.

"Oh I brought just you know the cavalry!"

"You brought the cavalry?" He says. astonished. She called me and Leo the cavalry....she couldn't have thought of anything better could she?

I hear her snap her fingers. Assuming that's a signal to enter, nod to Leo.
We both enter the room, Leo appearing next to the saviour, lifting her up and holding her in his arms.
Time to declare war!

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