Chapter forty: Looks can be deceiving

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What should I do. I thought the child would only have slight powers if it even had any powers at all. Yet, his eyes suggest his powers are stronger than I thought.

The child's eyes are pitch black. It's almost as if he has no soul. His eyes are soulless. The black abyss staring at me seems to be looking right through me.
Blake looks at his son then towards me.

"Don't" is all he says. But the thoughts are already flooding my mind. This child is dangerous. It isn't human at all.

"Well well well. Look what we have here. I believe your son is related to the reaper legacy a lot more than you think" Hermes says, patting Blake on the shoulder as Blake glares at him.

"What happened to his eyes.... Where's his gorgeous baby blue eyes!" Sarah cries out, desperately looking at the black orbs her child now possessed.

"That child isn't human" I say under my breathe, my sight not removing from the child.

"He's a reaper" Blake says under his breath. Sarah sobs as she holds her son in her grasp.

"No he can't be!" She cries out, distraught over her only child being a harborer of death.

"Your son can never live a normal life" I say coldly. I look up at my brother.

"We could be wrong, he might not be a reaper" Blake says, trying to find a way out. Sighing, I slowly nod my head.

"You're right. He may not be a reaper. But those eyes suggest death" I say, looking down at the child.

"I know what he is" Hermes says, walking towards the child.

"And that is?" Blake asks anxiously.

"The child has the touch" Hermes says, looking at Edward.

"The touch?" Sarah questions. Blake however remains silent, too shocked to speak. And I know why.

"The touch is an ancient curse that was first discovered years ago. There were many different forms of the curse however your son appears to have the touch of death" I say, a slight touch of remorse in my voice.

"No, that can't be, my son isn't cursed!" Sarah screams, clutching the child tighter in her embrace.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you" Hermes muses, looking at the firm grip she has on the child.

"And why not!" Sarah beams, taking a step back.

"Once those little soft palms make contact with your skin. You're a dead woman" Hermes says, looking at the child's curled up fists.

"I-I don't b-believe you!" Sarah says, stumbling over her words. She looks down at her child's hand and gently grasps his wrist.

"Sarah no!" Blake beams. But it's too late. The child opens his palm as he looks up at his mother. Sarah places the child's hand on her cheek. Her expression suddenly grows cold.

"Mommy loves you" she says as the last ounce of life leaves her body. She gasps and begins to collapse to the floor. Blake catches her lifeless body along with his son that slipped out of his mothers grasp. Sarah was dead. She was killed by her only son.
A tear rolls down Blake's cheek as he looks at Sarah's pale face and lifeless eyes.

"Bring her back!" He begs, turning to me.

"I can't. she's gone Blake"

"No don't pull that crap on me. I know you can revive the dead. I know you brought Callum back to life, bring her back!" He beams, clutching her body.

"Callum wasn't meant to die Blake. Maybe Sarah was"

"No she wasn't. She's the only person I'll ever love. Bring her back to me!"

"Blake, I can't. The balance of life will be disrupted"

"I don't give a crap about the balance. She didn't deserve to die!"

"No one does" I say in a small voice, watching the tears drip down my brothers face and merge with the carpet below him.

"Then who's taking her soul?" Hermes asks, looking at Sarah's corpse.

That's when a piece of paper falls onto Blake's lap out of thin air. Blake's duties as a reaper hadn't ended. The name on the paper was the soul he had to collect. The name was 'Sarah Dawson'. Blake looks at the name as a tear drops onto the paper.

"No, I refuse to take her soul away" Blake says, clutching her tighter to his chest.

"She was meant to die Blake" I say in a soft voice, looking at the grief on my brothers face.

"She shouldn't have died" Blake sobs, staring at  his lover.

"Death comes to all on earth. It's expected. Everyone knows one day they will die. She lived her life to the fullest. She had a child and someone she loved. Be thankful she died happily and not alone" I say, looking at Sarah's face. She seemed at peace now.

Blake sighs as he summons his scythe. He slowly stands up and stares at the corpse, lingering on her eyes once more. Blake swings the scythe over her lifeless body, expecting her soul to leap into his arms. However, no soul appears. Blake try's the routine over and over until he collapses alongside her.

"Where's her soul!" Blake cries out, grief taking over.
Baffled, I look over the corpse. Nothing, no soul. That's almost impossible! Every person has a soul. There's no such thing as a human without one.
I turn to Hermes to see if he has an explanation however his eyes are drawn to the child sitting on the floor alongside his father.

"What is it?" I ask him, following his gaze.

"The kids consumed his mothers soul. She's forever trapped inside her child's mind" the messenger says, looking at the child.

Edward laughs as he looks around the room. When a child laughs, it's supposed to be innocent almost happy. But this child's laughter was far from happy. It was a dark laugh, almost sinister. Did the child take his mothers soul purposely?
I clutch the scythe in my hand and begin to drag it across the floor. Blake's head whips towards me as I start to make my way over to his child.

A monster like him cannot live.

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