
Okay i know it's been a really really long time since i last updated anything and please believe me when I say that i do want to finish my atla fanfics! 
          	I've had a lot going on with school and lots of things happened and i forgot at wattpad for a while since i started reading on ao3 but I will try to update at least once soon!


@thecabbagemerchant11 Heyy even I started reading so much on ao3 I kinda forgot about wattpad lol


Okay i know it's been a really really long time since i last updated anything and please believe me when I say that i do want to finish my atla fanfics! 
          I've had a lot going on with school and lots of things happened and i forgot at wattpad for a while since i started reading on ao3 but I will try to update at least once soon!


@thecabbagemerchant11 Heyy even I started reading so much on ao3 I kinda forgot about wattpad lol


Argh so,
          everythings wierd since I realized I'm non-binary genderfluid and my dysphoria is heaping up and we watched a film in class and a chracter was having a panic attack which led to me almost having a panic attack and everything in my body aches and I don't know why.
          I feel kinda dead? Like, does me breathing really prove that I'm alive?
          A big spider just walked by on the wall and I killed it all by myself and yuck it's summer and it's too damn warm all the time
          can someone please adopt me? I want parents that don't make homophobic and transphobic comments every chance they get


So the last two days I've been helping at a sports fest and I was at a station for throwing and had to write down how far the girls threw.
          So on one of the lists with names was one girl but the person who corresponded to the name looked male so after I filled everything in I went to ask if they were male, female or anything else.
          They responded with: officially female, inofficially male, meaning that the list I had was the deadname.
          I high-fived him and responded with officially female, inofficially non-binary. He tole me "nice"
          It was a wholesome moment that made me very happy :)
          His class also seemed really supportive.
          Although one guy who heard our conversation called out "I'm officially normal" so I'm not sure about him.


Heh it was a rolling eyes face i forgot we can't put emojis here


@thecabbagemerchant11 Awww that's so sweet. (That guy tho, I just have this face ) So nice to hear, good things are happening, focus on that and I'll keep praying that they keep happening to counter everything bad that happens :))


@thecabbagemerchant11 shduifhjgiuththg <3 happy things 
            (also to that one guy- he's officially a jerk)