Hello, all!
My name is Sandra Leora.

I have been alive since '93 and my life has been a complete blessing so far!
I am married to the best man in the world, he makes my heart beat faster & slower all at once. My heart melts when he smiles & he keeps me grounded.
My nephews are typical boys who make me proud and my niece is my mini me.
There are many angels looking out for me, one is my father. RIP'07, the other is my angel baby RIP'15
I have always enjoyed reading, in fifth grade, I was reading at a college level.
I have my favorite genres, but I generally read anything; I do have authors that have inspired me to slap a few words on paper and call it okay!
Short stories, novels, poem, even lyrics make appearances in my notebooks, but I've hardly submitted anything online. I am looking to change that fact, though.

  • EntrouSeptember 14, 2012
