
If you're waiting for Together For a Season to be published you might want to check out its guide. Just saying 


So I was tagged to do this by @Ladybones 
          I am tagging this peeps: @confident_beauty
          @SouhaillaB @Hellostephenz
          1. It's necessary to post all of the rules.
          2. You must post 13 things about yourself.
          3. You can't refuse.
          4. You shall complete this in one week, or you will be given the target of a chosen punishment.
          5. You must tag 15 people to do this.
          6. You have to make a creative name for the chapter.
          = The Dark cave of secrets =
          1. My real name is not fizz or Emma, its Fatima.
          2. I honestly don't like humans. Even though I am one -_- 
          3. I am studying my ass off just to get a scholarship for MBBS
          4. I wanna be a famous doctor so that I can make lots of money and my mum can live like a QUEEN ;)
          5. I barely make friends in the real world cause I find most of the people too stupid to hangout with. 
          6. My favourite colour is black.
          7. 85% of my closet consists of black clothes.
          8. I'm usually in the popular group and don't talk to many people. (also stated in point 5)
          9. I am 2/4th Iranian, 2/4th Pakistani . My grandmother was an Indian and my mum's grandfather was Russian XD 
          10. I am a complete Mama's girl . I can't function without my mum.
          11. My favourite books are all the books that have been written by Cecelia Ahern.
          12. I sleep a lot and barely leave my room.
          13. I am very quick when it comes to insulting people *cough* proud person *cough*


@fizzsohail lol okay i really thought u are devoted to it people when u make people's work but send not buyers is fine i already had someone make it 


@confident_beauty my rules clearly say that I can give up on the form at any time . and I just tagged people from my threads so you got tagged as well


@fizzsohail um u didnt even finish my cover lol all i wanted was for u to put the subtitle


Hola perdón por molestar pero ya haciéndolo ...
          Quiero invitarte a pasar por mi primera historia “Insane Mind” embarca misterios e intrigas...
          Me encantaría que pudieras darle una oportunidad y asi tambien saber tu opinión ... Como también estaría grata por votos o comentarios.
          Besos y abrazos ❤