
I couldn't find a place for the following in any of my books, so they will be posted here! These are common questions in the Therianthropy Community!
          	1. Am I a Therian? - Nobody knows but you! Whether or not you're a therian is up to you to find out, through research and introspection; others can only provide their thoughts and opinions, not definitive answers. Therianthropy is an intrinsic identity trait, you either are or you aren't and that cannot change, so there's no rush in finding out.


9. Is therianthropy a gender identity, such as a xenogender? - No, it is a species identity, completely separate from gender as a base concept. However, one's therian experience may be linked to their gender.


8. Can I do quads even if I'm not a therian? Can I wear gear (such as a mask or tail) even if I'm not a therian? - Yes, we do not own either of these things, do as you wish in that regard. Quadrobics and gear weren't invented by therians.


7. Should I tell my family/friends about me being a therian? - It is entirely up to you, but we recommend against doing so unless you feel they can be trusted and supportive. Many do not understand therianthropy and may get negative impressions. If you are unsure, consider testing them by bringing it up without connecting to yourself (e.g. you discovered it online or a friend told you about it) and use their reactions as to whether or not you should tell them.


I couldn't find a place for the following in any of my books, so they will be posted here! These are common questions in the Therianthropy Community!
          1. Am I a Therian? - Nobody knows but you! Whether or not you're a therian is up to you to find out, through research and introspection; others can only provide their thoughts and opinions, not definitive answers. Therianthropy is an intrinsic identity trait, you either are or you aren't and that cannot change, so there's no rush in finding out.


9. Is therianthropy a gender identity, such as a xenogender? - No, it is a species identity, completely separate from gender as a base concept. However, one's therian experience may be linked to their gender.


8. Can I do quads even if I'm not a therian? Can I wear gear (such as a mask or tail) even if I'm not a therian? - Yes, we do not own either of these things, do as you wish in that regard. Quadrobics and gear weren't invented by therians.


7. Should I tell my family/friends about me being a therian? - It is entirely up to you, but we recommend against doing so unless you feel they can be trusted and supportive. Many do not understand therianthropy and may get negative impressions. If you are unsure, consider testing them by bringing it up without connecting to yourself (e.g. you discovered it online or a friend told you about it) and use their reactions as to whether or not you should tell them.


i have a question:
          Is it possible to have a wolf ear shift but a dragon wing shift?


i do have a wolf theriotype too


At the same time? If so, this could be one of two cases. If you have a wolf theriotype, and had a p-shift (phantom limb shift), in which you would have the ear of a wolf, but, you also have a dragon wing, then this could be a cameo shift. A cameo shift is basically a shift where you shift into something other than your kin/ or theriotype. 2: Or, this could be a new kintype! some type of hybrid mythkin maybe? 