
hello. this will be a bit of a long announcement ( explaining my general hiatus and my writing ) here, but i hope you'll stay to read through. i understand if you don't, though, no pressure either ways. <3
          	it's been quite some time since i have actually posted / done anything on this account. i've been pretty stagnant with my writing for quite some time now, between school and exams and just a lack of motivation + self-discipline.
          	but i'm finally done with my pre-u's and have the time to take to myself. i've thought everything through and i intend to hit the reset button on everything and just get a new start on everything.
          	that being said, i will be deleting this account. i will be creating a new account come the 1st of july, under the same username. my works will all be available there as well, though some may undergo heavy changes. i will post about it here when i do before i permanently delete this account. there'll be a short author's note up as well in my current ( only ) published story.
          	to anyone and everyone who has ever received graphics from me, please know that your payment has been voided permanently. it has been extremely unfair of me to keep you waiting for so long in 'debt', so to say, and as i also intend to restart my graphics stuff, i no longer want to be associated with my old graphics. i hope you enjoy continuing to use them, despite, and who knows? i may just rework some of the graphics in the future. i do, however, ask that you retain credit ( to @deathinreverie preferably but if you have updated it to @ryevain that is perfectly fine too ) since those are still my graphics. :') more info regarding graphics stuff will be posted on @ryevain soon, hopefully.
          	anyways, that's all i have to say. i hope everyone's been doing well.


hello. this will be a bit of a long announcement ( explaining my general hiatus and my writing ) here, but i hope you'll stay to read through. i understand if you don't, though, no pressure either ways. <3
          it's been quite some time since i have actually posted / done anything on this account. i've been pretty stagnant with my writing for quite some time now, between school and exams and just a lack of motivation + self-discipline.
          but i'm finally done with my pre-u's and have the time to take to myself. i've thought everything through and i intend to hit the reset button on everything and just get a new start on everything.
          that being said, i will be deleting this account. i will be creating a new account come the 1st of july, under the same username. my works will all be available there as well, though some may undergo heavy changes. i will post about it here when i do before i permanently delete this account. there'll be a short author's note up as well in my current ( only ) published story.
          to anyone and everyone who has ever received graphics from me, please know that your payment has been voided permanently. it has been extremely unfair of me to keep you waiting for so long in 'debt', so to say, and as i also intend to restart my graphics stuff, i no longer want to be associated with my old graphics. i hope you enjoy continuing to use them, despite, and who knows? i may just rework some of the graphics in the future. i do, however, ask that you retain credit ( to @deathinreverie preferably but if you have updated it to @ryevain that is perfectly fine too ) since those are still my graphics. :') more info regarding graphics stuff will be posted on @ryevain soon, hopefully.
          anyways, that's all i have to say. i hope everyone's been doing well.