
Wow, it's been a minute. I've been very busy with my new job and my spring semester.
          	I hope all of you are doing well.
          	I'm over the moon to announce that my short story "Ghost" has made it to the Top Picks of The Amby Awards! A huge thanks to @TheAmbys and to everyone who's taken the time to read my story and who's given me a follow.
          	I'm very proud of "Ghost." It was a very emotional piece to write for me, and I've always liked the idea of turning pain into art. I'm glad it's something that resonates well with others too.
          	I'm not very active on here anymore, but it doesn't mean I've given up on writing or on any of my projects. In fact, I have a lot of new ideas in mind. I plan on coming back with something beautiful, but I'm not sure when yet. I'll try leaving snippets again though.
          	All the best to you, guys. Congrats to everyone else who got picked! -Drée



@ZahraShahbazian hello! I'll consider it when I have time (:


Wow, it's been a minute. I've been very busy with my new job and my spring semester.
          I hope all of you are doing well.
          I'm over the moon to announce that my short story "Ghost" has made it to the Top Picks of The Amby Awards! A huge thanks to @TheAmbys and to everyone who's taken the time to read my story and who's given me a follow.
          I'm very proud of "Ghost." It was a very emotional piece to write for me, and I've always liked the idea of turning pain into art. I'm glad it's something that resonates well with others too.
          I'm not very active on here anymore, but it doesn't mean I've given up on writing or on any of my projects. In fact, I have a lot of new ideas in mind. I plan on coming back with something beautiful, but I'm not sure when yet. I'll try leaving snippets again though.
          All the best to you, guys. Congrats to everyone else who got picked! -Drée


Hello! I hope all of you are doing well.
          I can't believe it's already November. I wasn't able to finish everything I wanted to this year, but I'm glad I made some progress on a few writing projects at least.
          I thought I'd share some updates. My life is going in the best direction possible right now. The past few years have been tough, but things are finally looking up. I landed my dream job. I'm currently under supervision and receiving great feedback on my work. I can't even begin to tell you how meaningful this is to me. My entire life has been a prelude to this moment. There's a lot of meetings to attend and exams to pass since I'm still considered a trainee, and that's why I haven't been able to be very active on here lately, but it's wrapping up soon. I have a semester starting in January, but I don't think it should hold me back any further. The pressure should have eased by then.
          I'm waiting for the results of the Amby's Awards. I hope my short story Ghost will gain some recognition. I should get back to working on Autonomous afterward. Fingers crossed!
          Thanks for sticking around. -Drée


I'm over the moon to announce that "Ghost: A Short Story" was qualified for the Ambys Awards!
          Congratulations to all those whose works were also qualified! All the best for the next round!
          Here's a link to my short story if you haven't checked it out yet. Thank you!


@dreestories Phenomenal, Dree. You've really came into your own with your short prose 


I'm thrilled to announce that "Ghost" is now finished! This will be my submission to the Amby's Awards! If you could check it out and give me your thoughts on it, I would greatly appreciate it! 


Hey, everyone! Here's another snippet from the other story I'm working on, which I decided would be called "Ghost":
          He wasn’t looking for me when he returned; he merely chanced upon me, and he had hoped he wouldn’t, I supposed, because he knew what lay unspoken between us. He knew he was weak, and he knew I was half-alive—worse, a ghost, one I thought I had seen the moment our eyes connected at the bar, one I now realized I had been all along, but wasn’t anymore. I was alive, and I was breaking down.


Hello again! Here's an excerpt from "Autonomous" as promised!
          “Love,” Stanley said with a satisfied grin, “I want you to dine with us.”
          Love remained immobile beside the dining table, hands entwined behind its back. “Thank you, but I am rarely hungry.”
          Stanley pursed his lips in a straight line, impatience stirring within him. “Love, do as you’re told,” he insisted then ordered her to fetch a bottle of Pinot noir with two glasses.
          Abigail stared at the two in disbelief as Love obeyed then sat next to Stanley at the dining table.
          “This is doll play,” Abigail said finally, eyes fixated on her father.
          Indignation welled up in Stanley’s chest. “What have you just said?”
          For Abigail, time stopped right then. She reconsidered the words that had escaped her, and though she attempted to restrain her anger, it only continued to tear through her muscles until all she could feel was excruciating pain, and if she didn’t speak up, she felt she would die.
          “This is not her,” Abigail said and braced herself for the worst. “This will never be her, no matter how much you want it to be.”
          What's going on here? I wonder...


@dreestories No worries, you're welcome!! <3 :D


@amaryll28 thanks so much, Anna! ❤ you're always so supportive!


@dreestories Ooo, this is so intriguing! Definitely looking forward to when Autonomous is ready to post!! :D


Hi, guys! This is not a snippet from "Autonomous", but from another work I have in progress (I'm still not sure of the title):
          "Moments ago, he had bathed me in sweet nothings and faint-hearted promises, as was his habit. I knew he loved me, but I also knew he lied—not because he meant to—rather, because he hoped his fears would subside with time, and his words wouldn’t be meaningless. Tonight, I was beginning to hope so too, and then I went blue, stifled by the impossibilities I often fell in love with."
          Here you go! I should have an excerpt from "Autonomous" next time if all goes as planned. Thanks!


@amaryll28 agreed, gotta keep your hand in your craft!


@dreestories I mean sometimes you have to give yourself that grace – I'm really bad at paying attention to what I'm *meant* to be doing, so I'm trying to figure out how to productively go with the flowXD As long as there's work being done then that counts, right! You're welcome! Thanks, I'm glad to hear it – and thanks, you too :)


Hi, everyone! It's been a while. I've been so caught up with my work and my trainings and my courses, but I've also been writing a lot offline. I should post a snippet from "Autonomous" very soon! 
          I've been off of Instagram for a long time now, but I've decided to try being consistent on there as well. I might post snippets from my other works on Instagram, so feel free to give me a follow! I'll give you a follow back!
          How has everyone been? What have you all been up to? I hope you're all doing very well!


Hi, everyone. I hope all is well with you.
          I'm very happy to say that I've been making progress on "Autonomous" lately, and I plan on sharing a snippet with you soon. I was struggling a lot with how to tell the story, and I was pretty dissatisfied with the pace and the overall narrative voice, but I'm glad it's coming along nicely now. I'm almost eleven chapters in. I've changed a lot of things, and the story looks good so far.
          "Overridden" is developing well too. I haven't rewritten anything yet, but I think I have the plot under control (finally!). I think I have a pretty good idea of how the story's going to be set up and how it's going to go.
          I have other stories in the works, like "Fire in the Veins". I'm trying not to juggle too many watermelons at once, but I'm excited for my twin projects. I'm still figuring out my writing style and voice, I guess. I'm also trying hard to keep my perfectionism from creeping into my work and ruining everything, so things should be fine.
          Hopefully my next announcement will be more interesting than that, lol. Thanks for sticking around! -Drée


@dreestories that's exciting news! I'll definitely be checking them out when you post them ^.^ 