
Hey guys!! I’ve started posting my work elsewhere! I’ve moved to the website “Ao3” and while I am still trying to get the hang of how to use the website as a whole, I’ve posted two chapters of a new story over there if y’all wanted to check it out! My username is the same as it is on here 


Yes it 2024… Yes I’m still pining for this fanfic to come back. It’s been 8 years since I’ve read this fic (before it was completed) and it was THE BEST one I’ve ever read. The progression of the story was perfect and I’ve struggled to find a story that even comes close to this. So I’m begging for this fic to be reposted on here or anywhere 


On my hands and knees begging for you to reuplod Organic Cigarettes. It's stupid of me but I first read it when I was a sophomore in high school, like the better part of a decade ago, and I go back to reread it a lot because it has such an impact on me and is one of my favorite comfort fics. I'm not sure if you'll see this but if you do, please consider. Thank you. 


Hii I have a copy of organic cigarettes. Please contact me here and I'll send it to you:
          I just recently discovered that oc was take down by antis. I had to rummage through my old laptop and dig through archives of my old photos from yrs ago just to find it lol. I won't be reposting it anywhere else but we all hope that you would still repost it again here on wattpad or on ao3. All of us would really appreciate it if you did. Thank you for writing such a masterpiece. Haters should just stfu. If you want a copy of it, pls contact me <33


Hii, hope you are okay!! i sent you an email a while ago, but didn’t get an answer. If you read this can you please send me the copy to !!


are you still sending the copy? i sent you an email months ago but haven’t got an answer :(


I know that this might be a selfish request but I really hope that you might rewrite organic cigarettes  i don’t care how long it’ll take, I can be super patient! This story has been a part of my teenage life, i still remember crying in the backseat of my mom’s car reading the story. 


Heey! Gosh, I remember reading Organic Cigarettes YEARS ago and to this day it's still one of the best fanfictions I've ever read! It still crosses my mind every now and then, so I finally decided to look for it again, only to find it got deleted :( Would you ever consider posting it on ao3? I'd love to be able to read it again someday! <3