
Another chapter chapter and yet another inconsistent update.  Inconsistency has always been my downfall.  Then again, it could have to do with what I told myself the other day.  I said "Maybe I'm not cut out for the pen."  After some silence, another part of me responded : "What's the point of bringing that up now?  You're barely at the starting line and you wanna throw it all away again?"  After some deep thought I came to the conclusion that I don't want to abandon my characters again.  That if I did, I'll lose something even more precious this time around.  I know that I'll never be famous or popular with my writing, but I at least wanna give my stories a chance to be completed.  As per usual, please enjoy the latest chapter of Crumbled Ideals - World of Atonement and the usual bs I say.


Another chapter chapter and yet another inconsistent update.  Inconsistency has always been my downfall.  Then again, it could have to do with what I told myself the other day.  I said "Maybe I'm not cut out for the pen."  After some silence, another part of me responded : "What's the point of bringing that up now?  You're barely at the starting line and you wanna throw it all away again?"  After some deep thought I came to the conclusion that I don't want to abandon my characters again.  That if I did, I'll lose something even more precious this time around.  I know that I'll never be famous or popular with my writing, but I at least wanna give my stories a chance to be completed.  As per usual, please enjoy the latest chapter of Crumbled Ideals - World of Atonement and the usual bs I say.


When I started writing this chapter, I asked my bro Flamelord if I should make this or just continue on with the main story.  He told me to write this chapter, of course.  So I spent the past few days doing so, and without realizing it made the perfect chapter to celebrate today (kinda).  So without further ado, please enjoy the latest chapter of Crumbled Ideals -World of Atonement... I really gotta do something about this boring cover though.  Anyone got any suggestions?


While in the midst of despair at realizing that I'm chasing a pipe dream with my writing, I decided to try my hand at fanfic writing.  This story helped me get back into World of Atonement, and I will also try to update it whenever possible.  I honestly love Cardfight!! Vanguard! and enjoyed writing this.  As per usual, if you have any tips on how to improve my writing, feel free to share (or just get others to read my stuff).  I hope you enjoy the first chapter of Yet Another Cardfight!! Vanguard! : Imaginary Void


Man, it's been a while since I last updated something.  I won't even try to come up with excuses for my half year hiatus.  It started out with laziness and then devolved into my desktop crashing, having to move multiple times, etc.  Well good news is that I'm back and hopefully I'll be here to stay.  To those of you that stayed with me this long, thank you and I continue looking forward to your continued support.  I've tried changing up my writing style a bit with this latest chapter, so if there are any inconsistencies I apologize.  Once again, if you have any tips on how to improve my writing, feel free to share.  I hope you enjoy the latest chapter of Crumbled Ideals - World of Atonement, which I plan to finish by the end of the year.


Let's see this is my first time parading my chapter here, so I hope that you guys enjoy.  As always, thank you for reading my mediocre story and I hope for your continued support.  Also I'm always looking to improve so any tips/creative criticism is welcome.   I hope you guys enjoy my personal favorite chapter so far, Desolate Stadium.


The description for your story Altair Allegory - Crumbled Ideals is really boring. Other than that, I'm looking forward to reading your works.


@Tm21ab sorry for the delayed response. I'll fix it as soon as possible. Thank you for the follow, and please continue enjoying my (not so great) writing.