
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays ya'll! Hope you have a great time!


@QueenLightning i love the epilogue on In this Together RE story. Love Airam so much and i was wondering will there be another Airam's story ? Cuz i think she need more role for the story. Thank you


@SarahKennedy618 glad to hear you loved it! And no there wont be another story with Airam. I've decided to add one more chapter that will be in the future to show how things are for her. Someone gave that suggestion and I really liked it so I've decided to go with it. But other than that extra chapter. There won't be another Airam story. Sorry


Hello there. How are u and it's been a while that i texted u so many messages last year. And i know maybe u were busy and got something to do u don't have time to text back. And just wanna let u know i love Leon and Alusia story from RE 4 i mean love it very much. And u said at the epilogue that u want to make a sequel. So i was hoping to coming up soon.
          And i gotta tell u all Resident Evil story that u made especially Leon and Alusia. I love it every chaps and also i read it again in case waiting for u to publish the sequel.
          Hope u can announce it when will publish the sequel okay, cuz u did a good job of this and i appreciate it a lot. 
          Thnk u love and support your work always :)


@QueenLightningF, could I ask for something?


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@AngelaDavila15 you're welcome! It's really great!