
Well. One of my friends, and ex, committed suicide and I'm crying again and I don't know what to do now. It just keeps getting worse.


this message may be offensive
@Little-softie l.
          	  Fuck I messed up didn’ i.
          	  I’m…fucking sorry..
          	  I just got caught before it and…
          	  I don’t want you to cry…
          	  And I don’t want to be the reason you cried..


@Little-softie omg, im so sorry. take care, and dont mourn for their death. their with god now so its alright


          	  I'm so sorry to hear this!
          	  I'm always here for you, no matter what!


Well. One of my friends, and ex, committed suicide and I'm crying again and I don't know what to do now. It just keeps getting worse.


this message may be offensive
@Little-softie l.
            Fuck I messed up didn’ i.
            I’m…fucking sorry..
            I just got caught before it and…
            I don’t want you to cry…
            And I don’t want to be the reason you cried..


@Little-softie omg, im so sorry. take care, and dont mourn for their death. their with god now so its alright


            I'm so sorry to hear this!
            I'm always here for you, no matter what!


Okay, uhm, If you see this, you can read it or just ignore, I don't really care
          So yesterday, me and my mom had an arguement right after my best friend left the house because she came for her weekly visit, and I kinda got pissed as well since it's her, now unbearable, mood swings. She kept complaining about how we're, me and my brother, kept leaving the chores around the house and making *her* do it like *she* was a 'slave' and then she kept blaming me for putting something white inside of the tub. I didn't even know that the water was turning white and then she just kept complaining, 'cleaning our remaining messes' while aggressively and harshly slamming her hand against anything. I also kinda got pissed and hurt because when she was done 'cleaning my mess', she complained about me being selfish and self centered and if you didn't know, 'Selfish' is one of my trigger words. I got a migraine afterwards when she scolded me for not taking my medicine, since I'm an asthmatic, and that I only follow when I get told to but that's the way she wanted me to act. She then scolded me and my brother, saying I shouldn't do it again and that she'll give me a second chance; that I'll be cleaning the house every week when they're away from work.
          Later, she woke me up at *3:00* in the füçƙing morning; *to hug me*. And I don't like hugs, or physical touch in that manner, and we've talked about it. She kept saying 'I love you [insert nickname]' and hugging to the point where I tensed up. I started sneezing of course because if I don't get enough sleep, my asthma triggers, and she asked me if I was okay. I told her that my nose is running because she woke me up,and she asked if I was being sarcastic again, and I got passed and said, very calmly, 'not and then I got a headache after I pushed her arms away because her arms were right were I added two new scars since I have an unhealthy way of coping where I add scratch marks under my shirt and I didn't want it to hurt more.sorry,vent


@Little-softie i feel bad for u but i kind of relate. i have indian parents and this mostly happens to the point im used to it. but i couldnt imagine dealing with it while having asthma. i dont wanna judge ur family but by what ur saying its like ur in a tight position.


@Little-softie I’m so so sorry :( I’m here if you need to talk. Your mom sounds toxic (from what you’re saying idk her so she could be nice) but I hope you make up. You always have Wattpad if you need anyone’s help


heyy I'm so sorry for intruding...I just want to  my story... You'll love it please give it a try...
          I'm new and I need your support...can I just get a follow back..?
          Please read my book and I'll support you as well...
          Thank youuu


@_chaotic_little_ Hola!!
            And thanks forthe follow!! I'll follow back and I'll read your story!! :]