
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me?
          	Cause I don't got one.


W h a t i s l i f e? *Questioning self* I am so sorry for the mix of different books coming out, I have been VERY busy with my family coming by and with school, though I hope you will like the new book I am making. "A Mother's Love" Is a one off from my main series and has nothing to do with it, the ships p r o b a b l y won't be in the main series- p r o b a b l y


*SCREAMS INTO THE VOID OF LIFE AND DEATH ITSELF* *Cry* I now live on a mattress- in my room- because my bed said "Good day! I'ma break now! Bub bye!" its like WTFFFFFF, I have problems nobody in this world should ever want to hear- but one day someone may know- tho I hope not- (´。_。`)