
No excuse but life.. finally decided to post a new chapter on Protective Bros on Tour!! 


Apologies and Updates
          I’m so sorry to the lack of updates. I’ve been inundated with university work and other commitments and circumstances. 
          I am hoping a chapter will be out by Monday on ‘Protective Bros On Tour’. 
          I hope you’re all well and I’m sorry again. 
          Stay safe. 
          Grace x 


When will you be updating 


HI Readers! 
          Finally, Chapter 4, Holiday, of Big Bros and Tiny Twins has been edited. I would really appreciate it if you go check it out, there's been a few alterations though nothing major. I am going to be editing Chapters 5 and 6 today.
          There should be a chapter out on Protective Bros on Tour very soon, too! 
          Grace x


Happy New Year to you all!
          2020 sucked for many reasons, for all.
          I lost someone I was extremely close to, a best friend if you will, and had to deal with family illness alongside COVID. 
          However, I am still luckier than most, I have a loving family, home, friends, pets and my health. I just need to remember what I do still have. 
          Mental health has been difficult this year, but I am happy and proud of myself that I’ve got through it and thankful to my family and friends. 
          I wish all you readers and followers a happy and healthy 2021, and while Covid isn’t over, it won’t win. We will win the battle. 
          My heart goes out to everyone who’s lost this year, I grieve with you: it felt awful leaving 2020 and that person behind. 
          I really hope 2021 can bring us hope and better things along the way. Smile, be kind and thankful.
          I hope to update soon when I’m in a better place, mentally.
          As always, if you have any book recommendations, please pop me a message. 
          Happy 2021,
          With Love
          Grace x 


when are you updating bros on tour again ?


Soon. I’m sorry for being rubbish at updating, the next two chapters are fully written, I just need to edit them and I’m away travelling at the minute. Thank you for messaging xx