
keeping this app downloaded on my phone is like holding on to an empty box: serving little to no more purpose anymore, in the corner, hoarding a bit of space I could find useful, and yet the emotional attachments are strong
          	I want to desperately tear the box apart and throw it away, yet I can't. god this place has a weird ass chokehold on me
          	I'm js


keeping this app downloaded on my phone is like holding on to an empty box: serving little to no more purpose anymore, in the corner, hoarding a bit of space I could find useful, and yet the emotional attachments are strong
          I want to desperately tear the box apart and throw it away, yet I can't. god this place has a weird ass chokehold on me
          I'm js


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OH SHIT I missed my anniversary on this hellsite
          A few days ago marks three years since the creation of this account, it's been both a blessing and especially a curse. it's been, quite the time here. there isn't much to even say, hell I'm probably just talking to the fucking wall at this point, but I thought this shit was at least worth mentioning a little
          OH and if my memory serves me right: I know someone who DMed me like two years ago telling me that I joined on their birthday, which yeah dude I find that cool too. I wish I could've responded tbh. so without further ado, to whoever DMed me that message
          hope you had a Happy Birthday :]
          aight then see ya


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I also find it funny that there were a couple of people that followed me because I reshare Persona art, only to unfollow again because I mostly reshare DSMP art more
          what the fuck were you expecting did you not see the third to last retweet I made before following me??? (/light-hearted) lmao


Don't know why I still have this account
          like I wanna start over and all, but at the same time... ehhh.
          anyways, hope y'all are having a good day/night/evening.
          don't know who needs to hear smth like this but, good job on surviving the week so far, I know you can make it to the end of it. Just hang on. 
          anywho, see ya


I like your pfp


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mf I'm just stuck here listening to The Real Folk Blues 
          and man it hits different when you just look back at the shit that occupied your time that you very much enjoyed. whether it be from text or memories in general
          also uh n-no, no I am not crying over trying to regain memory of a dumb AU or not being able to find at least one form of a fic by my friend made a long time ago of said AU
          definitely not...


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when I get a burst of motivation for writing out some of my stories, I usually get excited and say "it's been on my mind for so long I can't wait to write it all out and share it with y'all!" and then I claim it'll take about a week
          and, well
          it turns out to take months
          because I can't write for shit


just sayin
          I personally believe Sapnap would like phonk music and just chill to it a lot of the time
          I'm mostly referring to his character in general but who knows


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@Gigi_Rose2005 i cant tell if c!sapnap would b into metal rock n shit or stuff like clairo