My pronouns are she/they but wattpad won't let me pick both hahahahah 🥲🥲

I suppose I should probably put something here, hmm?

Well, to start off, I'm just a small town girl with rainbow hair who wants to (escape) follow her dreams and be a published author and bring joy (hahahahhahahaha) to my readers, so I start here.

I'm pretty much inactive here and just come back to read books I read in high school for nostalgia.

Follow me on -
Twitter: kattpriva like the name suggests it's private but I just post animal crossing stuff there
I had an Instagram too at one point and Snapchat but I hardly ended up using them so I deleted them.

(Just as a warning, I'm not too active on much social media besides twitter. Honestly, if you want my attention, dm me on twitter. I'm always there.)

That's all I've got and idk feel free to stalk me I guess that's cool

Well, I hope you enjoy my imagination.

Link to my account on is somewhere around here, so, yeah. butdon'tlookatitIfailed


P.S. Did anyone else read "imagination" and think of SpongeBob? No? Okay...

If you got this far, congrats! You're obviously dedicated, so why don't you wander on over to twitter and give me a follow?? I'm Baylee Jae TRASH as well as a big fan of a lot of youtubers and actors, so you'll probably see a lot of that, but twitter is also a good way to see what I'm up to and find out when I'm planning on updating!!

  • Furiously trying to become famous
  • EntrouAugust 19, 2014

Última mensagem
FiftyShadesofPie FiftyShadesofPie Oct 25, 2018 12:00AM
Fifth chapter of Toxins is up! Yes, I'm aware I'm still the absolute worst (':
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