
          	To those who will follow me to AO3, I welcome you with open arms, and let's enjoy the new sights together, but to those who wish to remain, that's fine by me too. Just enjoy yourselves, okay? Don't let anyone dictate what you should and should not enjoy.
          	Well, I've exhausted enough of your time. If you made it this far, thank you for hearing me out. If you just skimmed through to see the end, then I'll just sum it up for you.
          	Tl;Dr. I'm moving away from Wattpad to AO3 to start anew, and seek a livelier audience than fade into obscurity like this. 
          	Again, thank you all, and have a pleasant day, afternoon, or evening. I'll see some of you in AO3, and as always, take care everyone. 
          	This is Cynical, signing out.


@MrForst57 Out of everyone else, you were the first to say something. You've been with me since the very beginning, I should be thanking you for pushing me forward during the first ever book I managed to complete. If I can, I would award you with a medal for outstanding loyalty, but for now, I'll give you my eternal gratitude. Thank you, again, for being with me for that long. Good luck with your writing, and, while I may not be active in Wattpad anymore, I'll do my best to help you out with that. It's the least I can do for you.


@Cynicalwaste23 I'm glad and thank you that you've inspired me to write but m,  I'll hang around here for a little while cause I'm    
          	  Still very new to writing so I guess will talk in another time. -Alt 


          To those who will follow me to AO3, I welcome you with open arms, and let's enjoy the new sights together, but to those who wish to remain, that's fine by me too. Just enjoy yourselves, okay? Don't let anyone dictate what you should and should not enjoy.
          Well, I've exhausted enough of your time. If you made it this far, thank you for hearing me out. If you just skimmed through to see the end, then I'll just sum it up for you.
          Tl;Dr. I'm moving away from Wattpad to AO3 to start anew, and seek a livelier audience than fade into obscurity like this. 
          Again, thank you all, and have a pleasant day, afternoon, or evening. I'll see some of you in AO3, and as always, take care everyone. 
          This is Cynical, signing out.


@MrForst57 Out of everyone else, you were the first to say something. You've been with me since the very beginning, I should be thanking you for pushing me forward during the first ever book I managed to complete. If I can, I would award you with a medal for outstanding loyalty, but for now, I'll give you my eternal gratitude. Thank you, again, for being with me for that long. Good luck with your writing, and, while I may not be active in Wattpad anymore, I'll do my best to help you out with that. It's the least I can do for you.


@Cynicalwaste23 I'm glad and thank you that you've inspired me to write but m,  I'll hang around here for a little while cause I'm    
            Still very new to writing so I guess will talk in another time. -Alt 


          Half of my reasons why I chose that site is explained by my cousin, so check him out because he's already said what I wanted to say, and the other half is that I wanted to start over again, this time, everything that I write over there, it's all for myself again. And don't worry, because, give it a little time, the books you enjoyed reading here in Wattpad, I will eventually transfer them over to my new account in AO3, this time with new improvements to the overall story, because honestly, even I feel disappointed at what I currently wrote. There's so many details I've missed or overlooked, and some scenes that I couldn't add that would fill in some of the gaps in the plot, so I want to make up for it with this.
          I've also posted my first story on the site, so feel free to check it out. It's a Genshin book, so if you're not a big fan of Genshin... Well I'm sorry, so just click on the link to check out my new account. Or not, depends on you.

          Well, that's all I have to say that explains my relocation from Wattpad. But before I completely end my announcement, I'd like to take the opportunity to personally thank ALL of you for supporting this lackluster writer and making him feel that whatever garbage he churn out are appreciated. It's because of you that kept me going, what motivated me to truly enjoy writing, that my works can bring joy to anyone else other than me wanting to let my imagination come alive. I wouldn't have gotten this far without y'all. I wanted to take the time to personally shoutout those who have supported my stuff all those times, unfortunately, that would take just as much time as writing a full chapter, so think of this as my thank you letter to all of you. 


          May I have everyone's attention, please? Or not, depends on you. I'm going to be real with y'all for this one, so if you get mad or upset about this, well, I'm sorry, but it's my choice here. 
          So, to start things off... Hey ya, everyone, it's ya boy, Cynical. I hoped you guys enjoyed what stories I posted on here, because you won't be expecting any more updates from them anytime soon. No new chapters, no new stories, because I'm done... With Wattpad, not with writing. Why? Well, let's see... The spunk that I used to have when writing is now gone, and it feels like I'm forcing myself to write just to churn out chapters and progress the story, and the unfair algorithm and the lack of new faces makes me feel really undervalued after putting such hard work on something that should be my free time, and therefore affected my energy to write. 
          It didn't feel fun anymore, and I'm trying to convince myself I'm writing for my own enjoyment, but it didn't feel that way. So yeah, the stories that you enjoyed reading that are made by me, they're dead now. I'm not gonna delete them, that's just petty, and I'll still try to be active to any of you who wants to talk or ask me questions, but for writing stories here? Nope, that's it. I'm done. 
          Is this announcement meant to just bring any more disappointment? That would be unlike me if that's just the case. I'm not gonna stop writing entirely, I'm just... moving out of here. Wattpad honestly feels dead, and a recommendation from my awesome cousin brought my attention to another fanfiction platform that would be a breath of fresh air for me. I'm sure most of you know AO3, because that's where I'll start to settle down now.


Visiting your page is the only reason in on Wattpad, Cynical is basically quality over quantity and should not be written off as another Wattpad writer.
          TL;DR : Their works are amazing and we should be patient.


@CAPTAINBENDY_1129 I tried to be both at the same time, to post as many chapters as I could, made with tact and care, until it's evident that apparently it is indeed hard work. With all the thinking, writing, and the human frailties to consider.
            I'm glad I'm among one of the rather few writers who are willing to put an effort to their crafts, especially to a website like this, but I'm sure there are others like me as well. Maybe not here or they didn't realize the potential in writing they have. Same goes to the other typical Wattpad writers, as I'm sure writing rather spicy fiction such as those takes a lot of effort to write with only one hand. I'm kidding of course. They put as much efforts on their projects as I do, others unique, generic yet captivating, while some are... questionable at best, but to each their own.
            While I started writing just for my own entertainment, it's nice for knowledgeable people like you to make this author feel like his books can entertain more than just himself.
            So... Thanks. Really. To see comments like these motivates this author more than you know.


You are terribly underrated 


@SpiderPunk00 I am terrible and underrated, yes. Self-deprecating jokes aside, I appreciate the support, and the acknowledgment. 


Here's to a new age of torment and dissent. Happy Sensory Overload Day. 


@Cynicalwaste23 A small part of the community and I feel that Pepper works with Glenn. (You could make them in the sense of they are police?? As Glenn has a police skin)
            Rodriguez and Sonya (Marine)
            And lastly Sniper Polina and maybe the Gunslinger? (Prison)
            Unless someone else also gives out something this is all I've got


@CAPTAINBENDY_1129 Oh no, the Ray thing was a shameless self insert, to be honest. Ever since my writing has improved, i decided to write an entirely different story. But if it's romance you prefer, don't worry, there will be *some* scenes thrown along with a couple of characters I think are compatible.
            By the way, weird thing to ask, but what are your ships in the game?


@Cynicalwaste23 Forgot to ask but your writing this with Ray being with Carol or Pepper? Or is this a whole reboot?


Hear ye! Hear ye! Listen up, you wee bastards.
          I present to you my cousin's Arknights book, so if you don't have anything else to do or read, go check him out. I don't need to explain why. I probably should've done this a long time ago as it's been out for like a few months, but seeing as it's starting to get interesting, as Arknights stories tend to be boring initially until it picks up later on, come and enjoy.
          He usually updates once every two or three weeks, or at least until he feels like it. He is very passionate about this book, so please, show his work some love, or I'll break your goddamn knees.
          Thank you, that is all.


Is it ok if I put your arknights book into my,arknights recommendations book?


@partypuppy99 Hey man, it's no problemo. It is free to do so after all. 