Trinafalsettos कहानियाँ

12 कहानियाँ

girlincufflinks द्वारा days like this : falsettos oneshots
days like this : falsettos oneshotsizzie !!! द्वारा
falsettos & in trousers oneshots about lovers ( and one extra short insomniac ) living and dying fortissimo i do not own the rights to falsettos / in trousers oneshots...
Ameltea द्वारा Falsettos One-shots
Falsettos One-shots『Caтaтo』 द्वारा
Will sometimes post Falsettos one shots here. ;)
nya_papaya132 द्वारा A Touch Of Style
A Touch Of StyleNya :p द्वारा
When Whizzer Brown decides to go to a party of one of his friends, he meets a girl. They laugh, they get drunk, they have sex. A few weeks after the party, Whizzer gets...
LOVEISBLINDatorlando द्वारा Orlando
OrlandoLOVEISBLINDatorlando द्वारा
A week after Marvin kicks Whizzer out of the house, Whizzer finally decides it's time to reach out to someone he hasn't talked to in a while hoping for help. Meanwhile...
pottersir द्वारा My Father's a Homo
My Father's a Homoash द्वारा
The story of Falsettos, told through the eyes of Jason.
Toby1_10 द्वारा Who's That? || Falsettos/The Book Of Mormon au fanfic
Who's That? || Falsettos/The Book...Toby1_10 द्वारा
Reincarnation is another thing people believe in. Just like Mormonism, Judaism, and all the other crap. • • • crappy cover, I know. My music would turn off every ti...
bbmoxi1 द्वारा Adomania|Falsettos
Adomania|FalsettosJelly द्वारा
(noun) the sense that the future is coming too quickly. Would a family truly persevere when everything turns to dust? Basically just a story of a weird family.
bbmoxi1 द्वारा Games I'll Play - Falsettos Oneshots
Games I'll Play - Falsettos Onesho...Jelly द्वारा
"If this family is a game, I never want to stop playing." Oneshots for your favorite and kinda dysfunctional tight-knit family
ex-ex-lovers द्वारा CHECKMATE
CHECKMATEgideon! द्वारा
Trigger warning: Falsettos spoilers + death. Some good old Whizzvin angst that I sobbed writing, you're welcome! I haven't written in a while and it's currently 3:43 a...
milleniumkenobi द्वारा Falsettos - The Man Who Made Me Smile
Falsettos - The Man Who Made Me Sm...Kenobi द्वारा
Marvin has been grieving Whizzer's death for a while, it is hard to let go, it is hard to cope, it is hard to not want to die.