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6 Hikaye

uzoma1235 tarafından yazılan The Italian boys (MAFIA) adlı hikaye
The Italian boys (MAFIA)uzoma1235 tarafından
A girl named Emily , who hasn't had a great time ever since the death of her mother , with the abuse and torture her dad gives her. she wishes for peace and a good life...
eyidara tarafından yazılan օʋɛʀքʀօtɛċtɨʋɛ adlı hikaye
օʋɛʀքʀօtɛċtɨʋɛeyidara tarafından
ʍɨa ɦaʀքɛʀ ɨs a քʀɛttʏ ɢɨʀʟ աɦօ ɢօɛs tօ աɛstɛʀռ ɦɨɢɦ ċօʟʟɛɢɛ aռɖ ɨs օʀɢaռɨʐɛɖ
Emoheartbeats tarafından yazılan ∆ʝaʏ's ʍɨռɨ ɮɨօ?∆ adlı hikaye
∆ʝaʏ's ʍɨռɨ ɮɨօ?∆Sing Your Emo Heart Out tarafından
...ʏօʊ ɢɛt tօօ sɛɛ sօʍɛ օʄ ʍʏ tɦօʊɢɦts...aռɖ a ʟɨttʟɛ ɮɨt aɮօʊt ʍɛ...աɛɨʀɖ...ʟɨҡɛ ʀɛaʟʟʏ աɛɨʀɖ...