Gralu Geschichten

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5 Geschichten

Regenschwere Tage von KilaLuvenar
Regenschwere Tagevon KilaLuvenar
Wohin führt Grays einsame Reise den Eismagier?
What's wrong with perfect? von fairylove1501
What's wrong with perfect?von Esteri
One girl + a lot of boys= reverse harem! Lucy is the new girl at Fiore High. The best high school in the region of the country. She needs to be good at everything to be...
The moon goddes has seen the light von Blue_knight_writer
The moon goddes has seen the lightvon Blue_knight_writer
This is a romance for Sting with his old friend to go through. Artemis will have to go through some tough fights at the Magics Games through this story.