Forevs कहानियाँ

टैग द्वारा परिष्कृत करें:

6 कहानियाँ

slaaay123 द्वारा I Love My Thug
I Love My ThugTrvpBANDO द्वारा
Kilo Sloan known around school as killer k she is a popular girl from California . She goes to Santiago high , all the boys want her but she don't want them . A new boy...
ayiyiloveyou द्वारा Hey, let's talk.
Hey, let's talk.Ayi द्वारा
Bout the birds and the bees man. Jk. No, seriously. We have to talk. No spoilers? Maybe. I can't promise. Also, this is where I rant. Seriously rant abt life. Everythi...
juju827 द्वारा Tough times
Tough timesjuju827 द्वारा
{chapter 1} It was the fist day of school and all my clothes were dirty. Like, what kind of popular, enchanted girl is not ready for school because of DIRTY CLOTHES! It...
sarangbaggi द्वारा The 5 Princes
The 5 Princesbyun_sarangbaggi द्वारा
Puros ka KPOP-an, kung anti KPOP ka, scroll down nalang you. WARNING: Puros imagination at hallucination ang matatamasa mo.