Progress// Fireafy Story -DIS...

由 Tomika_hatch

3.9K 57 118

After Leafy and Firey's years of silence, Leafy doesn't care about Firey not noticing her. she had gotten use... 更多

Chapter 1: The end is the beginning
Chapter 2: Challenge
The Talk
The Dream: The Nightmare Of The Past, Part 1
The Dream: The Nightmare Of The Past, Part 2
The Dream: The Nightmare Of The Past, Part 3
The Dream:Nightmare of the Past, part 4
The Dream: Nightmare of The Past, Part 5
Why are these two dummies fighting again?
Yet Another Sleepover
Hot Chocolate?
Mental Health Hiatus
This is so long over due smh

Cringey Fireafy Shit, Yay

269 4 12
由 Tomika_hatch

ayyy I am back and I'm not dead! Well, thank the song above, it gave me some inspiration and motivation (are those the same words? idk.) But yeah, now that you know which song motivated me, you might know what's coming... 

Leafy's POV

TIME SKIP BECAUSE I HAVE NO IDEAS (btw it is now Monday in the story)

I get out of bed, my entire body aching from Fanny beating me up and I lazily reach for my phone. I hold it over my face, going on PostHub. I scroll through the pictures and videos of people talking about their day and doing all sorts of crazy trends. I click on Firey's account (he still doesn't know I follow him on PostHub) and look at his latest post.

The post is of him with his bookbag, on his way to school. It was posted this morning. Wait... Don't we have school in two days? I look at the date it was posted.

It's Monday!? That means it's been two whole days that I've been asleep! Oh gosh. But, Firey is looking a bit cute...~ 

But- I can't think like that just yet. We just became friends again and I don't need to mess that up for us. I'm happy either way. I turn off my phone and groan as I get up. my bruises still slightly ache but I manage to get over it. As I brush my teeth in the bathroom, I hear my phone chime. I leave the toothbrush hanging in my mouth and turn over my phone.  Someone dmed me on PostHub? Hmm.

From, FlameboyFirey, at 7:32am.
Hey there Leafster! It's almost 7:45. School's about to start, where are you?

Hehe- so maybe he did notice I follow him on PostHub-

From, FlameboyFirey, at 7:32am.
And yes, I know you're following me on PostHub.

Welp, that settles it.

LemonLeafLeafy: Hey Firey! I'm almost at school. I'll be there in time.

LemonLeafLeafy: Also, how'd you find out! lol

FlamboyFirey: Alright, you better get here in time!! Also, I'm not sure if you knew about this thing called notifications? They tell me when people follow me. lol

LemonLeafLeafy: WOW, I didn't know that!!

FlameboyFirey: Alright, sarcasm aside, hurry, the doors are opening in a few minutes.

LemonLeafLeafy: okay, be right there.

Well, I'd better get going. I finish brushing my teeth and rush downstairs. I grab a fruitbar and grab my backpack/bookbag/whatever you wanna call it and head out the door. I briskly walk down the sidewalk turning at the oak tree. It's a very special tree to the neighbor hood. It's been here since the start, a very old tree. 

Rumor says, it's magic, but I say that's trash. It's just a tree and nothing more.

I make it to the front of the school and Firey waves me over.  I walk over to him, the sound if Firey's voice saying my name in front of the entire school sent chills down my back. 

"Hey Lemon Leaf!" Firey says pulling me into a side hug. My face immediately turns into a tomato.

"What's gotten into you Mr. Popularity?" I chuckled. 

"Heyyy! I can be friends with whomever ! choose!" He laughs. Pin must've seen us hugging because she started running to Coiny and my friends telling them all about it. I chuckle to myself.

The bell rings and the doors open. Firey and I head in together since our lockers are nearby each other. we talk on the way about the most random things. Cat memes, Music (mostly Cavetown), and art. We laugh as we discuss the memes and people look at us as if it's a miracle we're talking (which it kinda is). We head to our first class.

Out first class is Algebra with Mr. Four. The hardest of all classes. Sadly, not the easiest or best way to start the day. It's hard and I don't do well with math. Firey, on the other hand, is amazing at it! He's gotten A's on it for as long as I can remember! We take our seats and make sure we sit next to each other so we can catch up easily.

"SO, you excited?" he says excitedly drumming on his desk. I give him a confused look.

"I know you're good at math but you LIKE it???" I say. He let's out a soft chuckle.

"You could say that Leafster." he says messing with my hair. I push away his hand while chuckling when Mr. Four enters the class. He looks scary, in other words, normal. He sets down a math book on his desk and turns towards us.

"As it is your what? Second? Third day here? Anyways, today we'll be performing partner projects. You must complete this worksheet. He points to the wall where the projector is projecting. It looks over-complicated and hard. Firey looks like... he's smiling!? This is getting weird-

"I sent you your partner's name via email so we don't waste time choosing partner's or me announcing them. So read you email and get to work." He sits down and opens his laptop. 

"Well, this is definitely different." I say pulling out my phone.

"Definitely, but exciting!" Firey sighs, also looking through his phone. When I look at my email, I find out I was partnered with Firey.

"Hey we're partners!" I cheer. He looks at me.

"Really?" he says in disbelief, "What are the odds?" I feel someone tap my shoulder from behind. It's Pin!

"Hey Pin! What's up?" 

"I got partnered with Coiny!" She smiles.

"Really?" I say. Something seems off here... I get up and walk towards Fanny. She looks up at me.

"Let me guess, you're here to rub it in my face too?" She says sounding annoyed.

"Rub what in your face?" I asked with a confused look on my face. Were people making fun of Fanny? They must've required a death wish...

"Wow, you're really clueless. Then, guess who I've been partnered with." She scoffs. AT that moment, Clock plops into the chair next to Fanny and put an arm around her. She immediately blushes.

"Let me guess, Clock?"

"Yeah." she says putting her face on her arms which rested on her desk. Poor her. But this just proves my theory further... I walk over to Gelatin. His smile is jus beaming while Donut is sitting next to him with a hand on his forehead. I'd say they're partners. Loser and Cake are partners as well. I walk over to Mr. Four's desk.

"Yes?" He says in an annoyed tone, looking over his oval glasses.

"I just have one simple question for you..." He looks at me.


"Did... someone in particular...I don't know..." I start. He looks almost flustered,      " 'help' you decide this partner pattern?" He almost spits out his drink.

"BACK TO YOUR DESK MISS. NOW." He suddenly stands up, shouting, and points to my desk. I'm shocked, he's never shouted before. Before turning around to head to my desk, I notice that Mr. Four is slightly blushing. He slowly sits down and diverts his attention to his computer. I'm shook.

"Are  you okay?" Firey says in a worried tone. He's referencing to when Mr. Four shouted at me.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine..." I say brushing off the subject, "I'm fine because I just proved my theory right!" I say in a boasting tone. 

(Cue detective Jazz music)

You see, Mr. Four isn't one to pick partners for us, he actually thinks it's a waste of time. And he doesn't like wasting time. But the fact that Firey and I are partners, Fanny and Clock are partners, Loser and Cake, Gelatin and Donut? These pairs all sounded familiar... They all sounded like partners I've heard of before. From a certain person. A certain variable. A certain X! Mr. Four talks to Professor X! THESE ARE THEIR SHIPS!! I smile proudly in my seat. Firey looks at me with a confused look on his face.

"Uh, you just got yelled at by Mr. Four and you're happy...?" I nod. I guess he didn't understand the pattern I discovered.  Man, discovering that pattern really drained me. I'm getting a little tired here...

"Hey you okay there?" I must've dosed off because my face was planted on my desk.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry I just-" I picked my head up from my table, "I didn't sleep well last night." I said with my eyes half open.

"well, come on. We gotta finish this project before class ends. I've done a little over half so we should finish in time."

We ended up finishing the project in time and got an A. Firey and i chatted again until we parted ways for our separate classes.

.le time skip.

"Hey, Firey!" I run over to Firey's locker and tap his shoulder. He turns around and puts his hand on top of my head, messing with my hair with a smirk on his face, "Hey! Stop it!!" I laugh grabbing his hand and attempting to pull away. He resisted at first, but I ended up winning.

"What's up, Lemon Leaf?" He chuckles. His eyes lit up as he said my name, almost like he's repeated it thousands of times before.

"My friends and I are heading to Gelatin's Ice Cream Parlor right now, wanna come?" I gesture to the others standing a few yards away, chatting.

"Sure!" Firey says gladly. I tug his arm and he quickly shut his locker as soon as I drag him out of the hallway. When my friends see me with Firey, let alone, tugging on his arm, let alone within 7 feet of him, they start to squeal. Except TD, poor TD.

Teardrop, TD, was born without a voice. She knows sign language but she always signs about how she wants a voice. She says it would make her life a whole lot easier yet she's having an easier life than me so far. She's always been the quiet type, she doesn't like to sign much. Once, I caught her in the girl's bathroom stall making strained noises, as if she were trying to speak. I feel bad for her, I really do. Ever since they came up with this voice modulator, she's been taking job interviews trying to earn money but they don't take her since she doesn't talk. She's been doing better but we don't love her any less!

I dragged Firey to Pin, Coiny, Needle, TD, Cake and Loser so that we could be on our way. But Coiny, so very stupid Coiny, just had to open his big yap.

"OOO Leafy! Did you guys make ou-" Pin jabs Coin's ribcage, "I mean, make up." I slightly blush. I know he wasn't gonna say that but I'd rather not bring it up...

"Uh, yeah, we did." I say trying not to scold Coiny and instead divert my attention to the others. Pin, TD, Needle, Cake and Loser. Pin, TD and Needle were still not sure if I should've forgiven Firey that fast but I told them that I did what I wanted. Besides, he was my best friend...

We all talk to each other, catching up with Firey as his "fans" whisper about us talking to each other, while we walk to Coiny's mini van at the front of the school. Coiny helps Pin get into the passenger seat while the rest of us scramble into the back. Cake got the seat behind Pin while  Loser sat behind her. Needle sat next to cake while Leafy was mushed between Loser and Firey.

"You all ready?" Coiny called out, setting the Mini van to drive (sorry if I mess up any driving things, I don't drive ;w;)

"Yep!" I reply. Coiny starts to drive us to gelatin's ice cream parlor. We all start chatting on the drive there while Loser hugs cake from behind. Cake lets out a soft chuckle and hugs his arms. 

"I can't believe those two aren't dating yet!" I whisper to Firey.

"Yeah me neither." Firey chuckles back. Apparently Loser heard us since he shot us a glare. I smile trying not to laugh.

"Well guys we're here." Coiny stops the car and we all got off. We head inside and order our ice cream. Gelatin seems to be happy since Donut finally agreed to work a part time job at his parlor. We all take our seats with our ice cream and just chat because there's nothing else to do. 

Firey began to show us pictures of trips he's taken, people he's met, and just stuff he's accomplished. I smile when he accidently shows us a page of his online diary. He wrote stuff about missing me. Pin nudges me with her elbow. I blush.

"Uh, Firey-" I start. I continue reading the diary page though.

"Yeah?" Firey smiles. I almost feel bad that I'm telling him that he's showing us a page of his diary.

"That's, uh, I think that's your diary. Firey looks at me with a confused expression. Then his expression quickly changes to a tomato as he takes back his phone and shoves it in his pocket.

"AHAHA- Ha..ha..ha." firey tries to laugh but he ends up just getting full on flustered. In his diary, he mentioned how he missed me and how he wished I would stay his friend but I switched schools instead. He wrote something about me every day from then on. Complementing me, missing  me... I was flustered, of course, but my thoughts linger on the fact that he called me pretty, and how he misses my smile. How he wasn't himself without me.

"Uh, why don't we all head home?" Pin suggests, attempting to help Firey.

"I think that's a good idea..." Firey mumbles. We all get out of our seats, Coiny assisting Pin, again while Loser walks ahead of us with Cake. 

Coiny opens the door for us, but the instant we all set foot outside, a surge of pain shoots through my head. I could feel some hard, leather material bash my head and I could hear my friends scream. And before my eyes close, I see a shadowy figure, looming above us, as we are all lying on the floor. helpless and undefended.

ahhhhh omg it's been so long ;w;

I've been so busy and I wanted to try to make this chapter at least 3000 words... (Word Count: 2456)

 to make up for the amount of time I haven't written...

But uh, here I guess?

Hope you enjoy :P

* vigorously starts next chapter *


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